Insider dating advice to help you get everything you desire in love

Get one step closer to your dream man


Insider dating advice to

help you get everything

you desire in love

Get one step closer to your dream man

Previous Issues of The Newsletters

3 Signs She's Ready to Be in a Relationship

3 Signs She's Ready to Be in a Relationship

July 09, 20246 min read

If you’re a successful guy (or gal), getting the attention of the opposite sex isn’t always the issue.

You’re able to attract women into your life, but it’s never quite the right fit.

Either you’re super into her and she’s not into you, or visa-versa.

You see some obvious reasons for this pattern.

Every time you meet a woman you’re into, something shifts. You become anxious, overly analytical, and insecure.

You figure if you could just change these patterns and become confident with your dream woman, you’d end up in the happy relationship you’ve always desired.

And that’s a big piece of the puzzle.

But where a lot of men (and women) get stuck is because who they’re attracted to will never be able to be a good partner to them.

This is because you are subconsciously attracted to unavailability.

In severe cases, this can lead to toxic relationships with women.

In less severe, but also heart wrenching, this can lead to relationships with women who are never fully “in” the relationship. Who keep stirring up arguments, becoming defensive every time you try to bring up a rational issue, emasculating you when you show more vulnerable sides of yourself, or shutting down and giving you the silent treatment every time she’s upset.

It can also keep you in a cycle of short-lived dating experiences where every time you’re about to get into a relationship, one of two things happens:

  1. You realize she’s not the one for you and break it off.

  2. Out of nowhere, she calls it off.

I want to spare you another disappointment.

In today’s newsletter, I am sharing three signs that a woman is ready for a relationship AND three signs you are, too. 

Because on the flip side, a lot of men think they’re ready for a relationship and end up self-sabotaging with an amazing woman because they weren’t. 

3 Signs a Woman Is Ready for a Relationship

1. She doesn't interview you

A woman who is ready for a relationship is intentional about finding the right partner. She will pay attention to what you say and do. However, this does not mean your dates will feel like interviews.

When a woman starts firing off questions, reacting to your answers with a “side eye,” or is never able to relax and just have fun with you, it’s because she is not integrated into her feminine energy.

Whether it was her emotionally unavailable father, a deceptive relationship, or both, a lot of women have had painful experiences with the masculine.

When a woman does not take ownership to heal her relationship with the masculine, she protects herself by trying to control her surroundings and the people in her life.

She will never feel fully free to love and be loved until she forgives and learns to trust the masculine, both within herself and with others.

2. She is able to say "no"

A woman who has boundaries and can lovingly express them is a keeper. When a woman is always at your beck and call, it’s because she believes she has to please everyone else to be loved.

I’ve been this woman, and it’s uncomfortable, both for her and for her partners.

When a woman has healed her feminine energy, she can compassionately say “no” when something doesn’t feel right. When she’s able to take care of herself, she does not rely on your affirmation to feel secure. She can also confidently nurture and support you and the relationship.

3. She prioritizes time to get to know you

No matter how busy she is, a woman ready for a relationship has the maturity to know that creating a healthy and fulfilling relationship and knowing if you’re the right guy for her requires time.

So she will make time for you.

But she won’t just show up to dates. She will also participate in deeper conversations and open up about herself.

3 Signs You’re Ready for a Relationship

Consciously desiring a partnership and being ready for it are two different things.

You can put yourself out there and manifest your dream woman, to only push every woman who could be her away.

These are three signs you’re ready for a relationship.

1. You’re able to take feedback without getting defensive

Being in a secure relationship will protect your confidence. You won’t feel nitpicked, criticized or belittled.

However, that doesn’t mean your partner will never get upset or give you feedback on something you’re doing.

If you continue to get defensive or shut down when your dream woman gives you feedback, your relationship will eventually end.

A high-value woman can only feel safe in a partnership when she feels heard and validated in her experience. And the same will ring true for you and the way your dream woman can receive feedback.

2. You've stopped basing your worth on her approval

The right woman will make you feel like a total king. Her love can work magic on your drive, inspiration, creativity, and strategic planning.

But if you have the expectation that all your insecurities will disappear because of her love, you’re only half right.

In order to attract a woman ready to love you for you, you have to first stop seeking approval outside of yourself.

Once you’ve mastered your own internal validation, the woman you date will match that.

When you find that one special woman to be with, she will illuminate the work you’ve already done to love and accept yourself.

3. You feel confident leading a relationship

One of the main reasons I see high-performing men stay stuck single is because they don’t know how to use their natural-born ability to lead in relationships.

You do it on stages speaking to hundreds, if not thousands of people.

You do it in the boardroom.

You do it in court, on the field, or in the clinic.

But you don’t with women and it’s killing your chances of getting everything you desire in love.

A high-value woman who’s integrated into her feminine energy and ready for a relationship will ONLY feel safe with a man who leads the dating process and relationship.

This is because she knows (consciously and/or subconsciously) he knows what he wants and has the confidence to go after it.

This isn’t something you can fake. It takes more than just planning dates and texting a woman.

You have to embody it.

The only way to embody this magnetism and power is to integrate into your masculine energy.

Your masculine energy is where you…

  • Naturally, build polarity without playing games

  • Feel confident asking her questions that inspire her to open up

  • Pursue her with intention without losing yourself or your focus in other areas of your life

  • Create a safe and sexy place for her to relax into her feminine where she feels playful and flirtatious

  • Allow for deeper conversations that build a lasting partnership

  • Effectively communicate and establish a vision for the relationship that she wants to get on board for

If you’re a successful, stand-up guy, but you keep attracting women who aren’t right for you, aren’t into you, or leave out of nowhere, it’s because you consciously desire partnership but subconsciously are blocked from it.

When you learn how to lead the dating process confidently, qualify women accurately, and communicate effectively, you attract your dream woman for a lasting partnership.

I am opening a select number of VIP Private Coaching spots for men (and women).

This is your opportunity to get one-on-one, high-touch guidance from me through daily WhatsApp messaging, weekly calls, exclusive videos, and personalized exercises to date authentically and create a fulfilling relationship with your dream partner.

Apply now to see if we’re a good fit for coaching.

Apply for VIP Men's Coaching

Apply for VIP Women's Coaching

Emily Freeman Coaching Signature

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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Previous Issues of The Newsletters

3 Signs She's Ready to Be in a Relationship

3 Signs She's Ready to Be in a Relationship

July 09, 20246 min read

If you’re a successful guy (or gal), getting the attention of the opposite sex isn’t always the issue.

You’re able to attract women into your life, but it’s never quite the right fit.

Either you’re super into her and she’s not into you, or visa-versa.

You see some obvious reasons for this pattern.

Every time you meet a woman you’re into, something shifts. You become anxious, overly analytical, and insecure.

You figure if you could just change these patterns and become confident with your dream woman, you’d end up in the happy relationship you’ve always desired.

And that’s a big piece of the puzzle.

But where a lot of men (and women) get stuck is because who they’re attracted to will never be able to be a good partner to them.

This is because you are subconsciously attracted to unavailability.

In severe cases, this can lead to toxic relationships with women.

In less severe, but also heart wrenching, this can lead to relationships with women who are never fully “in” the relationship. Who keep stirring up arguments, becoming defensive every time you try to bring up a rational issue, emasculating you when you show more vulnerable sides of yourself, or shutting down and giving you the silent treatment every time she’s upset.

It can also keep you in a cycle of short-lived dating experiences where every time you’re about to get into a relationship, one of two things happens:

  1. You realize she’s not the one for you and break it off.

  2. Out of nowhere, she calls it off.

I want to spare you another disappointment.

In today’s newsletter, I am sharing three signs that a woman is ready for a relationship AND three signs you are, too. 

Because on the flip side, a lot of men think they’re ready for a relationship and end up self-sabotaging with an amazing woman because they weren’t. 

3 Signs a Woman Is Ready for a Relationship

1. She doesn't interview you

A woman who is ready for a relationship is intentional about finding the right partner. She will pay attention to what you say and do. However, this does not mean your dates will feel like interviews.

When a woman starts firing off questions, reacting to your answers with a “side eye,” or is never able to relax and just have fun with you, it’s because she is not integrated into her feminine energy.

Whether it was her emotionally unavailable father, a deceptive relationship, or both, a lot of women have had painful experiences with the masculine.

When a woman does not take ownership to heal her relationship with the masculine, she protects herself by trying to control her surroundings and the people in her life.

She will never feel fully free to love and be loved until she forgives and learns to trust the masculine, both within herself and with others.

2. She is able to say "no"

A woman who has boundaries and can lovingly express them is a keeper. When a woman is always at your beck and call, it’s because she believes she has to please everyone else to be loved.

I’ve been this woman, and it’s uncomfortable, both for her and for her partners.

When a woman has healed her feminine energy, she can compassionately say “no” when something doesn’t feel right. When she’s able to take care of herself, she does not rely on your affirmation to feel secure. She can also confidently nurture and support you and the relationship.

3. She prioritizes time to get to know you

No matter how busy she is, a woman ready for a relationship has the maturity to know that creating a healthy and fulfilling relationship and knowing if you’re the right guy for her requires time.

So she will make time for you.

But she won’t just show up to dates. She will also participate in deeper conversations and open up about herself.

3 Signs You’re Ready for a Relationship

Consciously desiring a partnership and being ready for it are two different things.

You can put yourself out there and manifest your dream woman, to only push every woman who could be her away.

These are three signs you’re ready for a relationship.

1. You’re able to take feedback without getting defensive

Being in a secure relationship will protect your confidence. You won’t feel nitpicked, criticized or belittled.

However, that doesn’t mean your partner will never get upset or give you feedback on something you’re doing.

If you continue to get defensive or shut down when your dream woman gives you feedback, your relationship will eventually end.

A high-value woman can only feel safe in a partnership when she feels heard and validated in her experience. And the same will ring true for you and the way your dream woman can receive feedback.

2. You've stopped basing your worth on her approval

The right woman will make you feel like a total king. Her love can work magic on your drive, inspiration, creativity, and strategic planning.

But if you have the expectation that all your insecurities will disappear because of her love, you’re only half right.

In order to attract a woman ready to love you for you, you have to first stop seeking approval outside of yourself.

Once you’ve mastered your own internal validation, the woman you date will match that.

When you find that one special woman to be with, she will illuminate the work you’ve already done to love and accept yourself.

3. You feel confident leading a relationship

One of the main reasons I see high-performing men stay stuck single is because they don’t know how to use their natural-born ability to lead in relationships.

You do it on stages speaking to hundreds, if not thousands of people.

You do it in the boardroom.

You do it in court, on the field, or in the clinic.

But you don’t with women and it’s killing your chances of getting everything you desire in love.

A high-value woman who’s integrated into her feminine energy and ready for a relationship will ONLY feel safe with a man who leads the dating process and relationship.

This is because she knows (consciously and/or subconsciously) he knows what he wants and has the confidence to go after it.

This isn’t something you can fake. It takes more than just planning dates and texting a woman.

You have to embody it.

The only way to embody this magnetism and power is to integrate into your masculine energy.

Your masculine energy is where you…

  • Naturally, build polarity without playing games

  • Feel confident asking her questions that inspire her to open up

  • Pursue her with intention without losing yourself or your focus in other areas of your life

  • Create a safe and sexy place for her to relax into her feminine where she feels playful and flirtatious

  • Allow for deeper conversations that build a lasting partnership

  • Effectively communicate and establish a vision for the relationship that she wants to get on board for

If you’re a successful, stand-up guy, but you keep attracting women who aren’t right for you, aren’t into you, or leave out of nowhere, it’s because you consciously desire partnership but subconsciously are blocked from it.

When you learn how to lead the dating process confidently, qualify women accurately, and communicate effectively, you attract your dream woman for a lasting partnership.

I am opening a select number of VIP Private Coaching spots for men (and women).

This is your opportunity to get one-on-one, high-touch guidance from me through daily WhatsApp messaging, weekly calls, exclusive videos, and personalized exercises to date authentically and create a fulfilling relationship with your dream partner.

Apply now to see if we’re a good fit for coaching.

Apply for VIP Men's Coaching

Apply for VIP Women's Coaching

Emily Freeman Coaching Signature

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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