Hey, I’m Emily!

I empower driven men to go from confused to confident in their love lives.

As someone who used to struggle deeply in love, I’m so grateful I get to help you attract your dream woman and experience a love you didn’t even know existed.

My formulas and approaches to dating have helped thousands of accomplished men release deep-rooted insecurities and discover who they are to attract their dream woman. In powerful and safe containers, I focus on getting quickly to the root of my clients’ issues so they can transcend them and experience completely new realities in dating.

I’ve been featured in Maxim Magazine, LA Weekly, and Yahoo! Finance for my work and named a top dating coach disrupting the industry. 

I’ve helped public figures, CEOs, founders, executives, and physicians worldwide in my coaching programs get the love they’ve always desired. I wake up inspired and motivated to help you transform your love life:

I sit here, writing this in the dining room of our home in the desert, with a stunning engagement ring on my finger that reminds me of how loved I am by my dream man.

I have never felt so free to be me – in my partnership, business, and life. 

I know if love is possible for me, it’s possible for you.

My life didn’t always look, or more importantly, feel like this. 

From the outside, it looked like I had it all together. I had an established corporate career, friends and family who cared about me, a healthy body, and the ability to book a date every night (if I wanted to). 

But there I was in my San Diego apartment on Zoom with my coach, tears rolling down my eyes as I asked her, “What if this is it? What if I’m perpetually dating forever and never find lasting love?” 

As soon as I said it out loud, I knew I wasn’t going to let that happen. If I had to date perpetually, so be it. I was determined to find my dream man. 

I’m so glad I never gave up on myself.

After multiple heartbreaking long-term relationships and years in the modern dating world, I became curious about why some people struggle so much in love. 

I have always been curious about personal development and self-improvement. I grew up in a mindful household with an acupuncturist, MD for a father and an introspective, manifesting mother. As a fitness trainer and blogger in my mid-twenties, I became dedicated to learning how to motivate others, create new habits, and ditch the old. 

So when I was suddenly single for the first time in my adult life in my mid-twenties, I immersed myself in any reading, training, or coaching program I could to learn more about human psychology, specifically around subconscious patterning, attachment theory, biology, masculine and feminine energy, law of attraction, and communication principles.

Dating is not a game, and our experiences don’t happen by accident.

I believe, to my core, that all our romantic experiences are leading us to more wholeness. You are meant to learn something from them to get closer to the woman you're meant to be with.

Without these experiences, you would never be ready for the amount of love, acceptance, and adoration you'll receive from your dream woman. 

You deserve to experience extraordinary love. 

The problem is that you can’t see what the lesson is until you understand how to look at it from the outside. 

Your dating patterns are subconscious, hidden from your conscious, rational mind. 

This is why what took me years to discover for myself only takes my clients months.

We’re able to pinpoint their blindspots quickly, get to the root of the issue, and attract amazing women quickly.

The resistance is gone. The insecurities fade. They feel confident genuinely connecting with their dream woman, and she feels this.

You deserve to experience extraordinary love. 

The problem is that you can’t see what the lesson is until you understand how to look at it from the outside. 

Your dating patterns are subconscious, hidden from your conscious, rational mind. 

This is why what took me years to discover for myself only takes my clients months.

We’re able to pinpoint their blindspots quickly, get to the root of the issue, and solve it.

The resistance is gone. The insecurities fade. They feel confident genuinely connecting with their dream woman, and she feels this.


I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t invested in myself. Maybe I would’ve gotten here eventually. 

But like you, I value my time, energy, and resources. 

I dedicated myself to my own personal growth in my partnership, business, and life. I’ve stuck with this commitment ever since. 

There isn’t a week that goes by where I’m not looking for a deeper understanding of how we can experience more love, expansiveness, joy, and abundance in our lives. 

It’s this self-discovery and development that not only helps my clients see such powerful results it’s also why I have my dream life, business, and partnership today.


I have made it my mission to give you the tools and guidance to make your dating journey fun again as you attract your dream woman quickly and easily. 

It can be confusing and frustrating to feel like you have everything going for you but keep messing it up with the women you want the most. 

It breaks my heart to see good men like you self-sabotage the love you desire because I’ve been there, too.

You have way too much to offer not to have your dream woman to share it with. That nurturing, kind, driven, supportive, fun, and playful woman you can’t stop thinking about deserves your love, generosity, and protection. 

Whether you become a VIP Client or read my newsletters, you are getting the most effective dating advice to attract your dream woman and build a genuine and lasting partnership with her.


I have made it my mission to give you the tools and guidance to make your dating journey fun again as you attract your dream woman quickly and easily. 

It can be confusing and frustrating to feel like you have everything going for you but keep struggling in dating. There’s no obvious reason you’re still single. You have an amazing career, a fulfilling life, and a community of people. 

But whenever you meet a woman you’re into, something shifts. 

It breaks my heart to see good men like you self-sabotage opportunities with amazing women because I’ve been there, too.

You have way too much to offer not to have your dream woman to share it with. That nurturing, kind, driven, supportive, fun, and playful woman you can’t stop thinking about, she deserves your love, generosity, and protection. 

But building an unbreakable bond with her is difficult when you’re subconsciously blocked.On the surface, you may feel open and ready for partnership. But if you keep hearing, “You’re a great guy, but…” from the woman you want the most, it’s because as much as you feel emotionally connected to her, she doesn’t feel emotionally connected to you.

I’ve seen this happen to too many great men. I’m on a mission not to let it happen to you. 

Whether you become a VIP Client or read my newsletters, you are getting the most effective dating advice to attract your dream woman and build a genuine and lasting partnership with her.

When you expect to be able to figure everything in your dating life out on your own, you’re making things so much harder for yourself. Let’s take a shortcut. Join an exclusive group of like-minded men to help you attract your dream woman in the private Community.

By submitting your information you agree to receive SMS and email notifications from Emily Freeman Coaching, Inc. as seen in our Terms and can opt out of SMS by replying 'stop'.

By entering your info, you’ll become part of Emily Freeman Coaching Email Community – and be sent information on how to join the community on Facebook (Unsubscribe anytime in a click.) You also agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.


With so much information out there, it can get confusing about what advice to follow and what to ignore. Get insider dating insights and tips from me every other Wednesday to keep you on track to getting the love you’ve always desired. 


By entering your info, you’ll become part of Emily Freeman Coaching Email Community – with FREE access to exclusive insights delivered straight to your inbox. (Unsubscribe anytime in a click.) You also agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

The morning you wake up next to your dream woman, it will all make sense. 

All the times you felt confused about love will become clear.

All the times you felt heartbroken will feel like destiny. 

And all the times you doubted yourself will feel like a past version of you you can empathize with, but no longer relate to. 

Your journey to your dream woman may not be linear, but it’s happening for a reason. I see way too many men turn a blind eye to the journey.

Hope that by getting into better shape, challenging themselves physically, and building more success, the woman will fall into place.

It doesn’t work like this. 

You have to understand why you’re experiencing the dating dynamics you’re in and know how to transcend them. 

It is the most fulfilling work you’ll ever do. 

You’ll feel more authentically confident, secure, and open to love than ever. 

You become irresistible to your dream woman. 

Let’s attract her faster. 

I am fired up and ready to show you how to overcome your limitations in love and get the partnership you’ve always desired. 

When you expect to be able to figure everything in your dating life out on your own, you’re making things so much harder for yourself. Let’s take a shortcut. Join an exclusive group of like-minded men to help you attract your dream woman in the private Community.


By submitting your information you agree to receive SMS and email notifications from Emily Freeman Coaching, Inc. as seen in our Terms and can opt out of SMS by replying 'stop'.

By entering your info, you’ll become part of Emily Freeman Coaching Email Community – and be sent information on how to join the community on Facebook (Unsubscribe anytime in a click.) You also agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

With so much information out there, it can get confusing about what advice to follow and what to ignore. Get insider dating insights and tips from me every other Wednesday to keep you on track to getting the love you’ve always desired. 


By entering your info, you’ll become part of Emily Freeman Coaching Email Community – with FREE access to exclusive insights delivered straight to your inbox. (Unsubscribe anytime in a click.) You also agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

The morning you wake up next to your dream woman, it will all make sense. 

All the times you felt confused about love will become clear.

All the times you felt heartbroken will feel like destiny. 

And all the times you doubted yourself will feel like a past version of you you can empathize with, but no longer relate to. 

Your journey to your dream woman may not be linear, but it’s happening for a reason. I see way too many men turn a blind eye to the journey.

Hope that by getting into better shape, challenging themselves physically, and building more success, the woman will fall into place.

It doesn’t work like this. 

You have to understand why you’re experiencing the dating dynamics you’re in and know how to transcend them. 

It is the most fulfilling work you’ll ever do. 

You’ll literally come home into your body feeling more confident, secure, and open to love than ever. 

You become a magnet to your dream woman. 

Let’s attract her faster. 

I am fired up and ready to show you how to overcome your limitations in love and get the partnership you’ve always desired. 


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By submitting your information you agree to receive SMS and email notifications from Emily Freeman Coaching, Inc. as seen in our Terms and can opt out of SMS by replying 'stop'.




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By submitting your information you agree to receive SMS and email notifications from Emily Freeman Coaching, Inc. as seen in our Terms and can opt out of SMS by replying 'stop'.