Become a VIP & Attract Your Dream Woman

Work with me exclusively in a private coaching program tailored to your love life.



Work with me exclusively in a private coaching program tailored to your love life.

vip private coaching

Get all access to me as I guide you through your unique dating life from start to finish over 12 transformative weeks.

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Just because you’re a successful guy doesn’t make finding love any easier…

  • The woman you want never wants you

  • Every time you meet a woman you’re into, you lose yourself and kill polarity

  • You’re always worried you may say or do the wrong thing and self-sabotage 

  • You want to pull away as soon as a woman gets close

  • You can never tell if a woman is into you or your lifestyle

  • You have a hard time trusting women after being deeply hurt

  • You feel confused about how to create a lasting and fulfilling connection

Life with your dream woman…

Is all it’s cracked up to be. 

Even on your worst days, your dream woman will see the best in you. She will lift you up when you’re down, be your soft landing when life feels tough, remind you how powerful you are when you forget, and never let you give up on yourself. 

She’ll stand next to you, proud of not only what you’ve accomplished, but who you are. She sees the man behind the suit, the speeches, and the following. 

She sees your heart, because you’ve allowed her to. 

No matter how many times your heart broke, you never gave up on yourself or love. 

You opened yourself up to a beautiful, nurturing, accomplished woman in a completely new way, and she accepted all of you. 

There’s no fear of her leaving, no trying to get away from her. You’ve never felt so confident or fulfilled in a partnership, you feel like a completely different man in love.

Your dream woman is out there. Let’s go get her!

Life with your dream woman…

Is all it’s cracked up to be. 

Even on your worst days, your dream woman will see the best in you. She will lift you up when you’re down, be your soft landing when life feels tough, remind you how powerful you are when you forget, and never let you give up on yourself. 

She’ll stand next to you, proud of not only what you’ve accomplished, but who you are. She sees the man behind the suit, the speeches, and the following. 

She sees your heart, because you’ve allowed her to. 

No matter how many times your heart broke, you never gave up on yourself or love. 

You opened yourself up to a beautiful, nurturing, accomplished woman in a completely new way, and she accepted all of you. 

There’s no fear of her leaving, no trying to get away from her. You’ve never felt so confident or fulfilled in a partnership, you feel like a completely different man in love.

Your dream woman is out there.

Let’s go get her!

What is VIP Coaching?

An exclusive opportunity to work with Emily in a private, customized coaching program tailored to your personal love life. 

Whether you want to heal from a breakup or divorce and move on, have met an amazing woman and want to do things right this time, or have been single for a while and are ready to attract your dream woman, Emily will lead you through a personalized transformation to change your dating reality for good.

What is VIP Coaching?

An exclusive opportunity to work with Emily in a private, customized coaching program tailored to your personal love life. 

Whether you want to heal from a breakup or divorce and move on, have met an amazing woman and want to do things right this time, or have been single for a while and are ready to attract your dream woman, Emily will lead you through a personalized transformation to change your dating reality for good. 




Identify & rewire your dating blindspots

The most common dating blocks high-performing men have are subconscious. This is why you can study all the dating advice out there and still self-sabotage with the woman you want the most. We’ll clear out your dating blocks so you can implement practical dating & attraction concepts and build a powerful connection with your dream woman. 

Get clarity and build focus

I want you to end up with the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen. If you’re not clear on your dream woman or focusing on the wrong qualities and traits, you’ll continue dating the same, emotionally unavailable women who aren’t compatible with you. I’ll teach you how to execute value-based dating principles to attract your dream woman.

Navigate the dating process

As a high-achieving man, you have a lot of natural masculine energy. But even with all the confidence in the world to speak on stages or close deals, you’re killing polarity and hindering connection in dating because you don’t know how to authentically and effectively lead the dating process. I will teach you how to integrate into your masculine energy in dating to build polarity, respect, and trust, and create a lasting connection with your dream woman. 

Experience an extraordinary love

A fulfilling partnership with your dream woman is all it’s cracked up to be. With her by your side, you’ll feel more inspired to dream bigger, reach new goals, and experience life in a whole new way. But if you don’t know how to receive true love or what it even feels like, you’ll continue to self-sabotage and push it away. I want to make sure you have the tools to not only attract your dream woman but keep her. 



Identify & rewire your dating blindspots

The most common dating blocks high-performing men have are subconscious. This is why you can study all the dating advice out there and still self-sabotage with the woman you want the most. We’ll clear out your dating blocks so you can implement practical dating & attraction concepts and build a powerful connection with your dream woman. 

Get clarity and build focus

I want you to end up with the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen. If you’re not clear on your dream woman or focusing on the wrong qualities and traits, you’ll continue dating the same, emotionally unavailable women who aren’t compatible with you. I’ll teach you how to execute value-based dating principles to attract your dream woman.

Navigate the dating process

As a high-achieving man, you have a lot of natural masculine energy. But even with all the confidence in the world to speak on stages or close deals, you’re killing polarity and hindering connection in dating because you don’t know how to authentically and effectively lead the dating process. I will teach you how to integrate into your masculine energy in dating to build polarity, respect, and trust, and create a lasting connection with your dream woman.

Experience an extraordinary love

A fulfilling partnership with your dream woman is all it’s cracked up to be. With her by your side, you’ll feel more inspired to dream bigger, reach new goals, and experience life in a whole new way. But if you don’t know how to receive true love or what it even feels like, you’ll continue to self-sabotage and push it away. I want to make sure you have the tools to not only attract your dream woman but keep her. 



No matter how many times your heart has been broken or how long you’ve been single. 

You are going to experience a complete 180 in your dating life.

VIP Coaching is for the man that…

Never gets the woman you’re into 

There aren’t a lot of women you’re into. And when you finally do meet one, she slips through your fingers. Whether you overinvest, come on too strong, or just don’t understand where you’re going wrong, I’ll teach you how to build lasting polarity, connection, and trust.


Is ready to move on 

You’ve been hurt deeply. You’ve tried to move on but you’re either still not over her or what happened. Whether your ex was the love of your life or your worst nightmare, we’ll reset your dating barometer so you can trust yourself in love again and attract the right woman for you. 

Can attract women, but can’t keep them 

As a successful, charismatic guy, attracting women isn’t your issue, it’s keeping them. Whether it’s three months or three years, your relationships always fade. Learn how to overcome your limitations in relationships, attract a woman compatible with you, and build a lasting partnership with her.    

How We'll Do It...

We will cover attachment theory, law of attraction principles, limiting belief work, building polarity and attraction, online dating optimization, communication with women, leading the dating process, healing self-sabotage, and more during the program.

Step 1

Weekly 50-minutes over Zoom where we dive into the deep work, create weekly gameplans, and review progress and goals

Step 2

Daily WhatsApp messaging to facilitate breakthroughs, answer questions, and guide your dating life in between calls

Step 3

Weekly assignments to propel your progress forward.

Spots are limited to select men.



Your love story comes next...

How Johnny Got Clarity & Attracted His Dream Woman

How Mason Transcended His Subconscious Programming & Found Love

Meet Emily

Emily Freeman is a leading dating coach for driven men who want to attract their dream woman and the founder and creator of Masculine in Love™

Emily is internationally recognized and was named a top dating coach by Yahoo Finance, Maxim, and LA Weekly. 

Emily’s programs and expertise help ambitious men find the missing piece in their life, their dream woman. She’s helped thousands of CEOs, public figures, physicians, entrepreneurs, and high-performing executives and professionals release their dating blocks, step into their most empowered selves, and get everything they desire in love.

Her extensive expertise in subconscious programming, attachment theory, attraction, and communication didn’t happen by accident. 

She was motivated to change others’ lives after experiencing firsthand how having subconscious blocks could make dating and love feel intense, complicated, and confusing. 

She has made it her mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. To free themselves of lines and tactics and become authentically confident connectinButtong with a high-value woman.

Meet Emily

Emily Freeman is a leading dating coach for driven men who want to attract their dream woman and the founder and creator of Masculine in Love™

Emily is internationally recognized and was named a top dating coach by Yahoo! Finance, Maxim, and LA Weekly. 

Emily’s programs and expertise help ambitious men find the missing piece in their life, their dream woman. She’s helped thousands of CEOs, public figures, physicians, entrepreneurs, and high-performing executives and professionals release their dating blocks, step into their most empowered selves, and get everything they desire in love.

Her extensive expertise in subconscious programming, attachment theory, attraction, and communication didn’t happen by accident. 

She was motivated to change others’ lives after experiencing firsthand how having subconscious blocks could make dating and love feel intense, complicated, and confusing. 

She has made it her mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. To free themselves of lines and tactics and become authentically confident connecting with a high-value woman.



What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

As a Dating & Relationship Coach, I give you the tools in order to become the most confident version of yourself and call in your dream partner. I help you identify and transcend limiting beliefs and subconscious programming holding you back, navigate communication in dating, learn how to build polarity and connect with women, and share proven manifestation techniques to call in your dream woman. I do not, however, treat mental illness or take medical insurance as a form of payment because I am not a licensed medical professional.

How many hours per week does VIP Coaching require?

We will meet weekly for 50-minutes over Zoom. I also give weekly personalized assignments that can take anywhere from 15 to 60 minutes. The men who have the most success in my programs don't look at it as a time commitment but rather an energetic one. They dedicate themselves to daily introspection, learning to be aware of their thoughts and actions in dating, taking ownership of them, and changing them. The more dedicated you are at the beginning, the faster you master it. And then it just becomes a natural part of your daily life.

Is this program for men only?

I take on a small number of select female clients into my VIP Program. 

How is the program laid out?

We will meet weekly for 50 minutes over Zoom for our deep dive calls. Each call is specifically tailored to you and what you need to attract your dream woman. We will focus on overcoming any current dating challenges, rewiring your subconscious programming, and building new mindset and practical dating skills to reach your dating goals.  

You'll also get unlimited WhatsApp support Monday - Friday to expedite your progress between calls. You can leave me a voice note, send a text, or share screenshots so I can help facilitate breakthroughs, guide communication with women, answer any questions you have about dating, and avoid self-sabotage between calls.

I also give personalized weekly assignments to accelerate your self-discovery and attract your dream woman.  

As a VIP, you will also get free access to my signature course, Masculine in Love.

Is VIP Private Coaching right for me if I'm single and not dating?

Yes. This program is designed to give you the tools to be successful in dating, whether or not you’re actively going on dates now. I will help you develop the confidence to put yourself out there and be able to connect with women authentically and easily.

Is VIP Private Coaching suitable for me if I'm in a relationship but struggling to keep it together? What if I'm going through a breakup?

Yes, if you are in a relationship, I will teach you how to transform self-sabotaging habits, mindset blocks, and attachment style patterns that are affecting your current partnership and show you how to build deeper intimacy, trust, and connection with your dream woman.

If you are going through a breakup, I will walk you step-by-step through the healing process to move on and make sure you don’t repeat past patterns in a new relationship. I will also show you how to start dating differently to attract and keep the right woman for you.

How long is the VIP Program?

VIP Private Coaching starts at 12 weeks. Six-month and annual packages are available to select men. 

What is the investment for VIP Private Coaching? 

I have a number of different options that support people at different levels.  When you apply for coaching we will assess your journey, what your needs are, and how much support is needed to get you where you need to go.  

What is your refund policy?

This program is non-refundable.

What if my question isn't answered here?

If you have specific questions, you can reach out to us at

Next Steps to Apply VIP

You’re taking the first step to transforming your dating life for good and attracting your dream woman. I’m so excited for you!

Even just applying is a huge energetic shift that can help you align with everything you desire. You’re telling the universe you know you’re worth investing in! And women feel this energy. 

When you click “Apply Now,” you’ll be asked to complete a brief form to tell me more about you and your dating life. 

Emily will review your application to see if you’re a good fit for VIP coaching.

Emily will personally email you to let you know if you’ve been approved and with next steps to become a VIP.

Keep your eyes peeled! Make sure to add to your contacts so the email doesn’t go to your Spam/Promotions folder.

My mission is to help you find your dream woman. 

Your dream woman deserves to meet a guy like you…

A man who’s driven, authentic, passionate, introspective, kind, fun, and loving.  And you deserve a woman who treats you with kindness and respect.  Who loves all of you, lifts you up, and inspires you. 

But what you’ve been taught about women is holding you back. The very things you think will build connection are hurting it. 

A woman will be impressed with nice dates…

She’ll appreciate your consistent communication… And your compliments will feel good. But they don’t create a bond. 

Women don’t connect through logic and reason.

So you can go through all the motions and still hear, “You’re a great guy, but…”

I know it’s frustrating.

But when you learn how to authentically connect with an amazing woman…

You’re going to experience a love most men don’t.

Safety, nurturing, and sensuality beyond your wildest expectations. Experiencing her in her true feminine essence is not overrated. 

Women don’t connect through logic and reason.

So you can go through all the motions and still hear, “You’re a great guy, but…”

Women don’t connect through logic and reason. So you can go through all the motions and still hear, “You’re a great guy, but…”

I know it’s frustrating.

But when you learn how to

authentically connect

with an amazing


You’re going to

experience a love

most men don’t.

Safety, nurturing,

and sensuality

beyond your wildest


Experiencing her in her true feminine essence is not overrated. 

It can inspire greatness in you you never imagined. Help you reach goals you thought were just dreams. And release king energy you didn’t know you had. 

With a woman like this by your side, you will feel limitless. 

And I won’t stop until you experience it. 

Your dream woman is waiting for you. She needs you in her life — your guidance, protection, and love.

Let’s not keep her waiting any longer.




© Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved Emily Freeman Coaching

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Even just applying is a huge energetic shift that can help you align with everything you desire.

You’re telling the universe you know you’re worth investing in! And women feel this energy. 

When you click “Apply Now,” you’ll be asked to complete a brief form to tell me more about you and your dating life. 

Emily will review your application to see if you’re a good fit for VIP coaching.

Emily will personally email you to let you know if you’ve been approved and with next steps to become a VIP.

Keep your eyes peeled! Make sure to add to your contacts so the email doesn’t go to your Spam/Promotions folder.

My mission is to help you find your dream woman. 

 Your dream woman deserves to meet a guy like you…

A man who’s driven, authentic, passionate, introspective, kind, fun, and loving. 

And you deserve a woman who treats you with kindness and respect. 

Who loves all of you, lifts you up, and inspires you. 

But what you’ve been taught about women is holding you back.

The very things you think will build connection are hurting it. 

A woman will be impressed with nice dates…

She’ll appreciate your consistent communication…

And your compliments will feel good. But they don’t create a bond. 

Women don’t connect through logic and reason.

So you can go through all the motions and still hear, “You’re a great guy, but…”

I know it’s frustrating.

But when you learn how to authentically connect with an amazing woman,

you’re going to experience a love most men don’t.

Safety, nurturing, and sensuality beyond your wildest expectations. 

Experiencing her in her true feminine essence is not overrated. 

It can inspire greatness in you you never imagined. Help you reach goals you thought were just dreams. And release king energy you didn’t know you had.  With a woman like this by your side, you will feel limitless.  And I won’t stop until you experience it. Your dream woman is waiting for you. She needs you in her life — your guidance, protection, and love. Let’s not keep her waiting any longer.




© 2023 Emily Freeman Coaching Inc.

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Emily Freeman Coaching, Inc. as seen in our Terms and can opt out of SMS by replying 'stop'.

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