Insider dating advice to help you get everything you desire in love

Get one step closer to your dream man


Insider dating advice to

help you get everything

you desire in love

Get one step closer to your dream man

Previous Issues of The Newsletters

3 reasons a high-value woman pulls away

3 reasons a high-value woman pulls away

July 24, 20244 min read

Let’s be honest, there is no point in being able to attract high-value women if you can’t keep the right one.

If you wanted to date for sport, you could.

Even if you’re not going on a lot of dates now, changing that is the easiest part.

But at the end of the day, getting affirmation from women (even stunning women) without any true connection feels empty to you.

Sure, sometimes there’s a rush of excitement and emotion, wondering who this woman could be. You may even have some epic stories of amazing dates and intense connections.

But you’re not the type of guy who wants to have an arsenal of dating stories and never find the woman.

You’re not sure what else is missing. You feel like you’re a pretty good communicator, you dress nicely, and you take care of yourself.

You’re starting to wonder if women just have unrealistic standards of men. Of course, some do.

But the high-value woman you want doesn’t.

Yes, she has high standards for herself and her partner. That’s why she’s perfect for you, because you do too!

She also honors and respects your differences and knows you’re human (just like her). There’s a softness to her where you know you can be yourself (quirks and all) and still be loved.

But there are some subtle things you’re doing now that are blocking your connection with her.

These are 3 reasons a high-value woman pulls away.

3 Reasons a High-Value Woman Pulls Away

1. You led with your achievements

Your dream woman is going to be your biggest cheerleader. But she isn’t with you because of what you’ve achieved. She’s with you because of who you are – the man behind the success.

Yes, your achievements are byproducts of who you are. They’re a reflection of your values and qualities.

But when it comes to impressing a woman, what worked 20 years ago doesn’t work now.

She feels like you need affirmation when you keep talking about your accomplishments instead of letting them speak for themselves.

And when a woman feels this energy, attraction immediately fades.

A woman needs to admire you to fall for you. She may be impressed by what you’ve created, but this feeling goes away when she feels like your accomplishments are the only thing you have to offer.

She wants to see the sides of you others don’t. She wants to get to know the man she can’t Google.

2. She got the impression you had something to hide

It is important to leave some mystery in the dating process. Whether it’s about what you did that day, your past relationships, or the thoughts in your head, oversharing breaks attraction with a high-value woman because it shows a lack of self-awareness.

But when you don’t share at all about certain parts of your life (and don’t know how to intentionally set boundaries around what you feel comfortable sharing in a way that creates more closeness), she wonders why.

And if you continue to deflect deeper conversations, she won’t feel safe opening up to you.

She’ll stay guarded and never be able to access her feminine energy, where she lets go and surrenders to your pursuit.

3. You stopped leading the dating process

Creating polarity with your dream woman doesn’t stop after the first few dates.

This is when it’s crucial to become more intentional about moving the dating process forward.

It’s also when you’re most likely to get out of your masculine energy.

When you’re subconsciously blocked around your masculine energy, as soon as you like a woman, you’ll start sabotaging the connection unknowingly.

You’ll get stuck in your head, the conversation won’t flow as easily, and you’ll start overinvesting.

Or you’ll start calling her less, talking yourself out of the connection, and finding reasons not to see her as often.

And though you may be able to rationalize why all of this is happening – you really like her, you go after what you want, or she’s not right for you – the reality is, your subconscious is playing tricks on you.

It knows the exact thoughts to feed you to stop momentum and push her away royally.

Because even though you consciously desire partnership, your subconscious has other plans.

Your subconscious is there to protect you. It’s created certain defense mechanisms to try and keep you from reliving past pain – rejection, heartbreak, guilt, etc.

I'm ready for my dream woman!

P.S. If you want to learn the same frameworks to attract your dream woman as my VIPs for a fraction of the investment, now’s the time to join my signature course, Masculine in Love™! Join here to get instant access (and get off the dating merry-go-round for good).

Until next time! ❤️

Emily Freeman Coaching Signature

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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Previous Issues of The Newsletters

3 reasons a high-value woman pulls away

3 reasons a high-value woman pulls away

July 24, 20244 min read

Let’s be honest, there is no point in being able to attract high-value women if you can’t keep the right one.

If you wanted to date for sport, you could.

Even if you’re not going on a lot of dates now, changing that is the easiest part.

But at the end of the day, getting affirmation from women (even stunning women) without any true connection feels empty to you.

Sure, sometimes there’s a rush of excitement and emotion, wondering who this woman could be. You may even have some epic stories of amazing dates and intense connections.

But you’re not the type of guy who wants to have an arsenal of dating stories and never find the woman.

You’re not sure what else is missing. You feel like you’re a pretty good communicator, you dress nicely, and you take care of yourself.

You’re starting to wonder if women just have unrealistic standards of men. Of course, some do.

But the high-value woman you want doesn’t.

Yes, she has high standards for herself and her partner. That’s why she’s perfect for you, because you do too!

She also honors and respects your differences and knows you’re human (just like her). There’s a softness to her where you know you can be yourself (quirks and all) and still be loved.

But there are some subtle things you’re doing now that are blocking your connection with her.

These are 3 reasons a high-value woman pulls away.

3 Reasons a High-Value Woman Pulls Away

1. You led with your achievements

Your dream woman is going to be your biggest cheerleader. But she isn’t with you because of what you’ve achieved. She’s with you because of who you are – the man behind the success.

Yes, your achievements are byproducts of who you are. They’re a reflection of your values and qualities.

But when it comes to impressing a woman, what worked 20 years ago doesn’t work now.

She feels like you need affirmation when you keep talking about your accomplishments instead of letting them speak for themselves.

And when a woman feels this energy, attraction immediately fades.

A woman needs to admire you to fall for you. She may be impressed by what you’ve created, but this feeling goes away when she feels like your accomplishments are the only thing you have to offer.

She wants to see the sides of you others don’t. She wants to get to know the man she can’t Google.

2. She got the impression you had something to hide

It is important to leave some mystery in the dating process. Whether it’s about what you did that day, your past relationships, or the thoughts in your head, oversharing breaks attraction with a high-value woman because it shows a lack of self-awareness.

But when you don’t share at all about certain parts of your life (and don’t know how to intentionally set boundaries around what you feel comfortable sharing in a way that creates more closeness), she wonders why.

And if you continue to deflect deeper conversations, she won’t feel safe opening up to you.

She’ll stay guarded and never be able to access her feminine energy, where she lets go and surrenders to your pursuit.

3. You stopped leading the dating process

Creating polarity with your dream woman doesn’t stop after the first few dates.

This is when it’s crucial to become more intentional about moving the dating process forward.

It’s also when you’re most likely to get out of your masculine energy.

When you’re subconsciously blocked around your masculine energy, as soon as you like a woman, you’ll start sabotaging the connection unknowingly.

You’ll get stuck in your head, the conversation won’t flow as easily, and you’ll start overinvesting.

Or you’ll start calling her less, talking yourself out of the connection, and finding reasons not to see her as often.

And though you may be able to rationalize why all of this is happening – you really like her, you go after what you want, or she’s not right for you – the reality is, your subconscious is playing tricks on you.

It knows the exact thoughts to feed you to stop momentum and push her away royally.

Because even though you consciously desire partnership, your subconscious has other plans.

Your subconscious is there to protect you. It’s created certain defense mechanisms to try and keep you from reliving past pain – rejection, heartbreak, guilt, etc.

I'm ready for my dream woman!

P.S. If you want to learn the same frameworks to attract your dream woman as my VIPs for a fraction of the investment, now’s the time to join my signature course, Masculine in Love™! Join here to get instant access (and get off the dating merry-go-round for good).

Until next time! ❤️

Emily Freeman Coaching Signature

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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