Practical tips to go from

confused to confident

in your love life

Get one step closer to your dream woman


Practical tips to go from

confused to confident

in your love life

Get one step closer to your dream woman

Previous Issues of The Newsletters

5 Things Women Want You to Do, That They Don't Tell You by Emily Freeman Coaching

5 Things Women Want You to Do, That They Don't Tell You

March 12, 202411 min read

Do you remember the movie, “What Women Want?” with Mel Gibson? It’s one of my favorites and an all-time classic movie. 

In this movie, Mel Gibson’s character is granted the superpower to be able to hear everything women are thinking. At first, it’s great for him. He understands women. He gets what they are saying and why they are saying it.

But the longer he has this power, he wishes that he no longer had it. He wants it to go away. Knowing the inner workings of women’s psyches was overwhelming to him. 

Yes, it’s true, women have a lot on their minds. And they usually have multiple different topics, ideas, and reminders going off in their brains all at once. 

And even though this may drive you nuts, it’s also what draws you in. The mystery of how women think creates polarity and intrigue within you. 

Men and women aren’t meant to read each other’s minds. We’re meant to get curious about each other, build connection, and fill in each other’s gaps. 

You may not have the superpower to read women’s minds. But having your dream woman in your life can make you superhuman. She’ll balance you out. 

What you lack in certain areas, she has in abundance and visa-versa. And when you have the tools to create a lasting partnership, your achievements become bigger, experiences become more exciting, and your work becomes more gratifying.  

But when you can’t get past the first few dates with women you’re into, it’s tempting to want to read women’s minds. 

Mind reading is not a superpower you need to attract your dream woman. 

An emotionally available woman doesn’t want or expect you to read her mind. And she doesn’t try to read yours. 

She wants to see you take an interest in who she is, feel desire for her, and are a safe space for her to be herself. 

The problem is that a lot of well-intentioned men are not taught how to do this. 

How to intentionally get to know women is not often modeled in men’s childhoods, and when they get older, their focus shifts to building a career and legacy. 

It isn’t until you reach a certain tipping point in your life that you decide – I’m ready for her. 

You’re successful, have built a beautiful life, and take care of yourself. So you assume attracting your dream woman should come naturally. 

You start off feeling confident meeting women. And then things become very confusing. 

Every time you’re into a woman, she isn’t into you. 

After this happens enough times or you lose an amazing woman, you get stuck in your head, which only makes matters worse. 

You start to question your ability to get what you desire.

But you’re not willing to give up. 

Your conviction and drive have served you well in your career, and they can be helpful in dating. 

But when you treat attracting your dream woman like an achievement, connection and polarity never build. 

Women you’re into don’t feel understood or seen by you. They don’t feel like they can get close to you. 

And when you’ve just started dating, a woman is not going to try and mold you into someone she wants. That wouldn’t feel natural, and you also wouldn’t be attracted to that. 

So instead of telling you what would make her feel special, she’ll tell you, “You’re a great guy, but…”

An emotionally available woman is not trying to test you or set you up. I know it can be hard to hear, but she didn’t feel romantically connected to you. 

You have all the makings of an amazing partner, you’re generous, open, introspective, honest, and fun. 

And when you learn how to connect with emotionally available women, attracting your dream woman becomes fun and natural. 

These are five things women want you to do in the initial phases of dating that they don’t tell you. 

5 Things Women Want You to Do In the Initial Phases of Dating That They Don’t Tell You

1. Invite her to share

I want to make this very clear: You do not need to ask her to share how she feels about you or disclose all her fears and anxieties about life during the first few dates. It’s not the right time or place. 

An emotionally available woman wants to feel comfortable opening up to you. She will wait to make sure you’re a safe space before letting you all the way in.

She’s not trying to play games or give you a test you can’t pass. She values her time, energy, spirit, and body, so she doesn’t just share them with anyone. 

This is a sign of healthy boundaries and emotional availability. 

I see a lot of men get this confused during the initial stages of dating. They feel comfortable with the woman who’s coming on strong, giving them a lot of affirmation, and opening up right away.

But these are the same women that as soon as you get close, pull away. 

Remember: A woman with core feminine energy – who is nurturing, compassionate, open-hearted, and receptive – will wait for you to invite her to open up. 

When you take up the whole conversation with play-by-plays of your last vacation or how you closed a recent deal, she won’t feel invited to open up. 

She wants to hear about you and your life. She also longs for a man who cares about her experiences and who she is. When you ask her thoughtful questions like:

What inspired you to ___________?

How did it feel when ___________?

What are you most proud of in your life?

She feels inspired to open up. 

And when you’re able to actively listen and ask her deepening questions as she shares more, she feels seen and heard in a way she hasn’t with other men. 

And she’ll want to get closer to you.

2. Give her space to think about you

An emotionally available woman wants to know you’re intentional, so it’s important to communicate consistently. 

However, consistency is not the same as frequency. 

Texting a woman at the same time every day and throughout the day doesn’t make her feel safe. She feels safe when what you say and what you do align. 

If you say you will text her, text her. 

If you tell her you want to get to know her, ask her questions about herself. 

If you say you want a true partner, ask her opinion on something going on in your life. 

If you say building a connection with her is important to you, call her or leave a voice note. 

If you say you’re ready for a relationship, show her by planning dates and taking an interest in her life. 

When you are constantly checking in with her to try and keep her attention, or waiting for her to text you first, she doesn’t have room to think about you. When you do this, one of two things will happen:

  1. You will create too much intensity and one of you will pull away and the other will chase.

  2. She will wonder why she is a top priority in your life when you just met and question your commitment to your mission, which hinders safety and polarity. 

Remember: A woman gauges your commitment to your purpose and mission with your ability to commit to her.

3. Tell her she looks amazing in that dress

An emotionally available woman wants to be valued for who she is. She also wants to feel desired by the man she’s into. 

Women do not do their hair, put on makeup, or pick out a certain outfit for you not to notice. Sure, she may put herself together because she enjoys it for herself. But she also wants you to appreciate the effort she put in. 

In the same way it feels good to you for her to thank you for treating her to a drink, she feels seen and appreciated when you compliment her. 

You can say something as simple as, “Wow, you look stunning tonight.”

4. Reassure her everything is going to be okay

A lot of well-intentioned men get this wrong. When a woman starts to open up about her fears or problems, he will either start giving her suggestions about how to solve them or give her a one-liner pep talk like, “You got this.” and drop the subject.

While neither of these are “bad,” they don’t make her feel closer to you. 

I’m going to tell you a secret about women – when she feels protected and empowered by you, she will never leave your side. 

She feels even more confident going into the world and living out her aspirations. While also feeling open and relaxed because she knows you have her back. 

And this is a feeling most women have never experienced. 

To create this level of belief and stability, the next time she starts talking about something she’s worried about, remind her how amazing she is. Use concrete examples she’s told you about the adversity she’s overcome in the past. Then, ask her, “What do you think is the best way to handle this?” 

This is HUGE. While most men will offer suggestions, when you ask her how she would handle the situation, she feels like you respect and honor her and will want to get closer to you. 

5. Be willing to get vulnerable

Vulnerability is heavily misconstrued. Most men think being vulnerable means oversharing about your past, your anxieties, and how you feel about her. 

You will get the opportunity to share all of these with her later, once you’ve established trust and connection. But during the first few dates, sharing this openly with a stranger in a romantic setting is not appropriate. 

Remember, your date is not a personal development seminar. That’s what coaching is for. 🙂

During the initial phases of dating, vulnerability is being willing to go after what you want in spite of your fears. 

Asking a woman out, taking the initiative to get to know her, and being yourself are all ways high-value men get vulnerable. 

High-value men don’t let their fears of failure or rejection hold them back from shooting their shot. 

High-value men don’t try and avoid rejection by being someone they’re not. 

They are unapologetically themselves, take the time to get to know a woman, and are willing to take risks because they know they can handle any outcome. 

They don’t base their worth on her approval. 

High-value men have empowering thoughts about themselves. They believe in love. And they’re willing to do what it takes to create the partnership they desire. 

Underneath your insecurities and doubts, you are this man. 

Trying to be someone you’re not to attract your dream woman won’t work. 

Your dream woman wants YOU. 

But who you are showing up as with women you’re into today is not the real you. 

When you are…

  • Second-guessing everything you say and do with women you’re into

  • Overanalyzing the dating process and either coming on too strong or pulling away 

  • Overinvesting and trying to please women 

  • Ignoring red flags and ending up with women who aren’t right for you

  • Keep hearing, “You’re a great guy, but…” even though you feel like you did everything right

  • Misread signals and interpret her level of interest being higher than it is 

  • Want to pull away as soon as a woman gets close 

  • Keep having relationships that end within 90 days

You are subconsciously blocked in dating. 

This is why my coaching focuses on first uncovering what’s going on in your subconscious mind and rewiring it before giving you proven practical dating advice that builds a genuine connection with your dream woman. 

You’ve invested in other coaching programs and haven’t seen success because dating tactics alone do not solve the root issue. 

In fact, they can make things worse, get you more stuck in your head, and decrease your self-esteem.

You are pretending to be confident and acting like you can relate to women. And every time this performance doesn’t work, you feel worse about yourself and more disheartened in dating.  

You deserve a fulfilling relationship with your dream woman. 

It’s time to start acting like you believe this. 

I want to show you how to get everything you want in love. 

If you’re ready to change your dating life, stop old self-sabotaging habits, and attract your dream woman, I have two VIP Private Coaching spots available. 

I will guide you through a rapid transformation in your love life so you can get everything you desire in love.

For you, it's not about getting women. It's about attracting and keeping the right one.  

Let’s go get her! 

Apply to be one of the select few who get to work with me one-on-one.

Apply to be a VIP Emily Freeman Coaching

Until Next Time!

Emily Freeman Coaching Signature

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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Previous Issues of The Newsletters

5 Things Women Want You to Do, That They Don't Tell You by Emily Freeman Coaching

5 Things Women Want You to Do, That They Don't Tell You

March 12, 202411 min read

Do you remember the movie, “What Women Want?” with Mel Gibson? It’s one of my favorites and an all-time classic movie. 

In this movie, Mel Gibson’s character is granted the superpower to be able to hear everything women are thinking. At first, it’s great for him. He understands women. He gets what they are saying and why they are saying it.

But the longer he has this power, he wishes that he no longer had it. He wants it to go away. Knowing the inner workings of women’s psyches was overwhelming to him. 

Yes, it’s true, women have a lot on their minds. And they usually have multiple different topics, ideas, and reminders going off in their brains all at once. 

And even though this may drive you nuts, it’s also what draws you in. The mystery of how women think creates polarity and intrigue within you. 

Men and women aren’t meant to read each other’s minds. We’re meant to get curious about each other, build connection, and fill in each other’s gaps. 

You may not have the superpower to read women’s minds. But having your dream woman in your life can make you superhuman. She’ll balance you out. 

What you lack in certain areas, she has in abundance and visa-versa. And when you have the tools to create a lasting partnership, your achievements become bigger, experiences become more exciting, and your work becomes more gratifying.  

But when you can’t get past the first few dates with women you’re into, it’s tempting to want to read women’s minds. 

Mind reading is not a superpower you need to attract your dream woman. 

An emotionally available woman doesn’t want or expect you to read her mind. And she doesn’t try to read yours. 

She wants to see you take an interest in who she is, feel desire for her, and are a safe space for her to be herself. 

The problem is that a lot of well-intentioned men are not taught how to do this. 

How to intentionally get to know women is not often modeled in men’s childhoods, and when they get older, their focus shifts to building a career and legacy. 

It isn’t until you reach a certain tipping point in your life that you decide – I’m ready for her. 

You’re successful, have built a beautiful life, and take care of yourself. So you assume attracting your dream woman should come naturally. 

You start off feeling confident meeting women. And then things become very confusing. 

Every time you’re into a woman, she isn’t into you. 

After this happens enough times or you lose an amazing woman, you get stuck in your head, which only makes matters worse. 

You start to question your ability to get what you desire.

But you’re not willing to give up. 

Your conviction and drive have served you well in your career, and they can be helpful in dating. 

But when you treat attracting your dream woman like an achievement, connection and polarity never build. 

Women you’re into don’t feel understood or seen by you. They don’t feel like they can get close to you. 

And when you’ve just started dating, a woman is not going to try and mold you into someone she wants. That wouldn’t feel natural, and you also wouldn’t be attracted to that. 

So instead of telling you what would make her feel special, she’ll tell you, “You’re a great guy, but…”

An emotionally available woman is not trying to test you or set you up. I know it can be hard to hear, but she didn’t feel romantically connected to you. 

You have all the makings of an amazing partner, you’re generous, open, introspective, honest, and fun. 

And when you learn how to connect with emotionally available women, attracting your dream woman becomes fun and natural. 

These are five things women want you to do in the initial phases of dating that they don’t tell you. 

5 Things Women Want You to Do In the Initial Phases of Dating That They Don’t Tell You

1. Invite her to share

I want to make this very clear: You do not need to ask her to share how she feels about you or disclose all her fears and anxieties about life during the first few dates. It’s not the right time or place. 

An emotionally available woman wants to feel comfortable opening up to you. She will wait to make sure you’re a safe space before letting you all the way in.

She’s not trying to play games or give you a test you can’t pass. She values her time, energy, spirit, and body, so she doesn’t just share them with anyone. 

This is a sign of healthy boundaries and emotional availability. 

I see a lot of men get this confused during the initial stages of dating. They feel comfortable with the woman who’s coming on strong, giving them a lot of affirmation, and opening up right away.

But these are the same women that as soon as you get close, pull away. 

Remember: A woman with core feminine energy – who is nurturing, compassionate, open-hearted, and receptive – will wait for you to invite her to open up. 

When you take up the whole conversation with play-by-plays of your last vacation or how you closed a recent deal, she won’t feel invited to open up. 

She wants to hear about you and your life. She also longs for a man who cares about her experiences and who she is. When you ask her thoughtful questions like:

What inspired you to ___________?

How did it feel when ___________?

What are you most proud of in your life?

She feels inspired to open up. 

And when you’re able to actively listen and ask her deepening questions as she shares more, she feels seen and heard in a way she hasn’t with other men. 

And she’ll want to get closer to you.

2. Give her space to think about you

An emotionally available woman wants to know you’re intentional, so it’s important to communicate consistently. 

However, consistency is not the same as frequency. 

Texting a woman at the same time every day and throughout the day doesn’t make her feel safe. She feels safe when what you say and what you do align. 

If you say you will text her, text her. 

If you tell her you want to get to know her, ask her questions about herself. 

If you say you want a true partner, ask her opinion on something going on in your life. 

If you say building a connection with her is important to you, call her or leave a voice note. 

If you say you’re ready for a relationship, show her by planning dates and taking an interest in her life. 

When you are constantly checking in with her to try and keep her attention, or waiting for her to text you first, she doesn’t have room to think about you. When you do this, one of two things will happen:

  1. You will create too much intensity and one of you will pull away and the other will chase.

  2. She will wonder why she is a top priority in your life when you just met and question your commitment to your mission, which hinders safety and polarity. 

Remember: A woman gauges your commitment to your purpose and mission with your ability to commit to her.

3. Tell her she looks amazing in that dress

An emotionally available woman wants to be valued for who she is. She also wants to feel desired by the man she’s into. 

Women do not do their hair, put on makeup, or pick out a certain outfit for you not to notice. Sure, she may put herself together because she enjoys it for herself. But she also wants you to appreciate the effort she put in. 

In the same way it feels good to you for her to thank you for treating her to a drink, she feels seen and appreciated when you compliment her. 

You can say something as simple as, “Wow, you look stunning tonight.”

4. Reassure her everything is going to be okay

A lot of well-intentioned men get this wrong. When a woman starts to open up about her fears or problems, he will either start giving her suggestions about how to solve them or give her a one-liner pep talk like, “You got this.” and drop the subject.

While neither of these are “bad,” they don’t make her feel closer to you. 

I’m going to tell you a secret about women – when she feels protected and empowered by you, she will never leave your side. 

She feels even more confident going into the world and living out her aspirations. While also feeling open and relaxed because she knows you have her back. 

And this is a feeling most women have never experienced. 

To create this level of belief and stability, the next time she starts talking about something she’s worried about, remind her how amazing she is. Use concrete examples she’s told you about the adversity she’s overcome in the past. Then, ask her, “What do you think is the best way to handle this?” 

This is HUGE. While most men will offer suggestions, when you ask her how she would handle the situation, she feels like you respect and honor her and will want to get closer to you. 

5. Be willing to get vulnerable

Vulnerability is heavily misconstrued. Most men think being vulnerable means oversharing about your past, your anxieties, and how you feel about her. 

You will get the opportunity to share all of these with her later, once you’ve established trust and connection. But during the first few dates, sharing this openly with a stranger in a romantic setting is not appropriate. 

Remember, your date is not a personal development seminar. That’s what coaching is for. 🙂

During the initial phases of dating, vulnerability is being willing to go after what you want in spite of your fears. 

Asking a woman out, taking the initiative to get to know her, and being yourself are all ways high-value men get vulnerable. 

High-value men don’t let their fears of failure or rejection hold them back from shooting their shot. 

High-value men don’t try and avoid rejection by being someone they’re not. 

They are unapologetically themselves, take the time to get to know a woman, and are willing to take risks because they know they can handle any outcome. 

They don’t base their worth on her approval. 

High-value men have empowering thoughts about themselves. They believe in love. And they’re willing to do what it takes to create the partnership they desire. 

Underneath your insecurities and doubts, you are this man. 

Trying to be someone you’re not to attract your dream woman won’t work. 

Your dream woman wants YOU. 

But who you are showing up as with women you’re into today is not the real you. 

When you are…

  • Second-guessing everything you say and do with women you’re into

  • Overanalyzing the dating process and either coming on too strong or pulling away 

  • Overinvesting and trying to please women 

  • Ignoring red flags and ending up with women who aren’t right for you

  • Keep hearing, “You’re a great guy, but…” even though you feel like you did everything right

  • Misread signals and interpret her level of interest being higher than it is 

  • Want to pull away as soon as a woman gets close 

  • Keep having relationships that end within 90 days

You are subconsciously blocked in dating. 

This is why my coaching focuses on first uncovering what’s going on in your subconscious mind and rewiring it before giving you proven practical dating advice that builds a genuine connection with your dream woman. 

You’ve invested in other coaching programs and haven’t seen success because dating tactics alone do not solve the root issue. 

In fact, they can make things worse, get you more stuck in your head, and decrease your self-esteem.

You are pretending to be confident and acting like you can relate to women. And every time this performance doesn’t work, you feel worse about yourself and more disheartened in dating.  

You deserve a fulfilling relationship with your dream woman. 

It’s time to start acting like you believe this. 

I want to show you how to get everything you want in love. 

If you’re ready to change your dating life, stop old self-sabotaging habits, and attract your dream woman, I have two VIP Private Coaching spots available. 

I will guide you through a rapid transformation in your love life so you can get everything you desire in love.

For you, it's not about getting women. It's about attracting and keeping the right one.  

Let’s go get her! 

Apply to be one of the select few who get to work with me one-on-one.

Apply to be a VIP Emily Freeman Coaching

Until Next Time!

Emily Freeman Coaching Signature

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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