Practical tips to go from

confused to confident

in your love life

Get one step closer to your dream woman


Practical tips to go from

confused to confident

in your love life

Get one step closer to your dream woman

Previous Issues of The Newsletters

5 Signs She’s the Right Woman for You

5 Signs She’s the Right Woman for You

June 06, 20245 min read

You’ve put so much time, energy, and money into creating an amazing life for yourself. 

And now you’re ready to attract your dream woman to share it with. 

Having this beautiful, fun, encouraging woman enhances all parts of your life. She will give you more meaning to your work, create more fun when traveling the world together, and be the perfect partner to start a family with.

This idea of having it all with your dream woman excites you, but it also uncovers your deepest fear in dating.

The fear of choosing the wrong woman.

Every time you think you’ve met an amazing woman, you start looking for warning signs and decide to leave before it’s too late.

Or, you see her as this amazing woman, yet you don’t have feelings for her. 

Whether you have put all your energy into creating your career or business…

Had your heart broken by a woman you thought was the one…

Have your family and peers pressuring you to settle down…

Or been through a devastating divorce…

Choosing the wrong woman can derail everything you’ve worked so hard for.

And you’re not alone. Most men don't know how to choose the right woman because they are not clear on who their dream woman is.

Getting clarity of your dream woman has nothing to do with how smart or introspective you are. You can likely look back on your past dating decisions and see how you ignored the pit in your stomach or the warning signs. 

It has everything to do with knowing what you want. Most men focus on what they don’t want, hoping they’ll be able to run fast enough to avoid another disaster. 

But they end up dating the same type of woman with a different name. 

These are five signs she’s the right woman for you.

5 Signs She’s the Right Woman For You

1. You have aligned values  

If you’re only focusing on the qualities and traits of women, you’re going to end up in the wrong relationship. This is why it feels like things start off great: you have a ton of common interests, and you look hot together. In other words, it’s all good on paper. But then, you drift apart, you stop connecting, and soon, heaven turns into chaos, or worse, the passion fades entirely. 

Practicing value-based dating will help you choose a woman who will grow and evolve with you cohesively. Both of you have the same vision and priorities in life. You work as a team and understand each others’ wants and needs. 

2. She shows you empathy and respect

It may feel exciting to be with a woman who can’t keep her hands off of you, but if she can’t also be there for you during tough times or respect your boundaries, the sexual chemistry won’t be worth it. 

Women build attraction through respect. And men feel loved through it. When she has respect and empathy for you, she will understand the steps and time you’re taking to reach your goals. She gives you space when you need to think. Encourage you to see your friends when you need to blow off steam. And rub your head when you’re making hard decisions.

3. She takes ownership of her past 

A woman who blames her ex without any ownership of her part in the dynamic lacks self-awareness and responsibility for her choices. 

When a woman takes ownership for her decisions and actions, it shows high emotional intelligence and self-esteem. Without ownership, she will never be fully healed from her past. 

When she has made the courageous decision to get honest with herself and heal, she will also have to develop self-love and compassion. And the more she loves herself, the more she can love you. 

4. She is excited for the future 

A woman who talks optimistically about the future believes in herself and trusts her path. This is a sign she’s in healthy feminine energy, which means, as long as you’re in your healthy masculine, you’ll have harmony in the relationship. 

This doesn’t mean she expects life to go perfectly. She handles adversity with strength and faith. She embraces the harder times, knowing it’s all happening for her.

5. You feel like you can be yourself 

When you’re with the right woman, you feel excited and comfortable. You don’t feel like she may leave at any moment. You don’t feel like you have to win her over. 

This doesn’t mean you won’t have difficult or uncomfortable conversations. Those are important parts of a healthy relationship. But you will navigate these moments with ease and end up feeling closer afterward.

You can open yourself up without feeling ashamed or guilty. You can have your freedom and her devotion. 

I know this is possible for you because I’m in a relationship where we support each other this way. 

So many men miss out on a relationship like this because they rely on external circumstances only to attract their dream woman. 

The men who attract their dream woman don’t skip corners. 

They fully commit to their own growth and dating differently. 

They don’t waste thousands of hours trying to figure out how to attract her. 

And they definitely don’t play dating as a “numbers game,” wasting tens of thousands of dollars on the wrong women. 

They take the same mindset they have to become successful in business and apply it to their love lives – they get people on their team who can take them further faster.

If you’re ready to start having fun dating again and get everything you desire in love, I want to personally invite you to apply to work with me privately. 

I’ll be there with you to make sure you stop bad dating habits and start taking the right actions to attract your dream woman with ease. 

Once you apply, I’ll be reviewing your application and will reach out to you directly. 

I interview every private applicant to ensure we’re a great fit and I know working together will get you the results you want.

Button to apply for private coaching

I can't wait to start your transformation!

Emily Freeman Signature

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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Previous Issues of The Newsletters

5 Signs She’s the Right Woman for You

5 Signs She’s the Right Woman for You

June 06, 20245 min read

You’ve put so much time, energy, and money into creating an amazing life for yourself. 

And now you’re ready to attract your dream woman to share it with. 

Having this beautiful, fun, encouraging woman enhances all parts of your life. She will give you more meaning to your work, create more fun when traveling the world together, and be the perfect partner to start a family with.

This idea of having it all with your dream woman excites you, but it also uncovers your deepest fear in dating.

The fear of choosing the wrong woman.

Every time you think you’ve met an amazing woman, you start looking for warning signs and decide to leave before it’s too late.

Or, you see her as this amazing woman, yet you don’t have feelings for her. 

Whether you have put all your energy into creating your career or business…

Had your heart broken by a woman you thought was the one…

Have your family and peers pressuring you to settle down…

Or been through a devastating divorce…

Choosing the wrong woman can derail everything you’ve worked so hard for.

And you’re not alone. Most men don't know how to choose the right woman because they are not clear on who their dream woman is.

Getting clarity of your dream woman has nothing to do with how smart or introspective you are. You can likely look back on your past dating decisions and see how you ignored the pit in your stomach or the warning signs. 

It has everything to do with knowing what you want. Most men focus on what they don’t want, hoping they’ll be able to run fast enough to avoid another disaster. 

But they end up dating the same type of woman with a different name. 

These are five signs she’s the right woman for you.

5 Signs She’s the Right Woman For You

1. You have aligned values  

If you’re only focusing on the qualities and traits of women, you’re going to end up in the wrong relationship. This is why it feels like things start off great: you have a ton of common interests, and you look hot together. In other words, it’s all good on paper. But then, you drift apart, you stop connecting, and soon, heaven turns into chaos, or worse, the passion fades entirely. 

Practicing value-based dating will help you choose a woman who will grow and evolve with you cohesively. Both of you have the same vision and priorities in life. You work as a team and understand each others’ wants and needs. 

2. She shows you empathy and respect

It may feel exciting to be with a woman who can’t keep her hands off of you, but if she can’t also be there for you during tough times or respect your boundaries, the sexual chemistry won’t be worth it. 

Women build attraction through respect. And men feel loved through it. When she has respect and empathy for you, she will understand the steps and time you’re taking to reach your goals. She gives you space when you need to think. Encourage you to see your friends when you need to blow off steam. And rub your head when you’re making hard decisions.

3. She takes ownership of her past 

A woman who blames her ex without any ownership of her part in the dynamic lacks self-awareness and responsibility for her choices. 

When a woman takes ownership for her decisions and actions, it shows high emotional intelligence and self-esteem. Without ownership, she will never be fully healed from her past. 

When she has made the courageous decision to get honest with herself and heal, she will also have to develop self-love and compassion. And the more she loves herself, the more she can love you. 

4. She is excited for the future 

A woman who talks optimistically about the future believes in herself and trusts her path. This is a sign she’s in healthy feminine energy, which means, as long as you’re in your healthy masculine, you’ll have harmony in the relationship. 

This doesn’t mean she expects life to go perfectly. She handles adversity with strength and faith. She embraces the harder times, knowing it’s all happening for her.

5. You feel like you can be yourself 

When you’re with the right woman, you feel excited and comfortable. You don’t feel like she may leave at any moment. You don’t feel like you have to win her over. 

This doesn’t mean you won’t have difficult or uncomfortable conversations. Those are important parts of a healthy relationship. But you will navigate these moments with ease and end up feeling closer afterward.

You can open yourself up without feeling ashamed or guilty. You can have your freedom and her devotion. 

I know this is possible for you because I’m in a relationship where we support each other this way. 

So many men miss out on a relationship like this because they rely on external circumstances only to attract their dream woman. 

The men who attract their dream woman don’t skip corners. 

They fully commit to their own growth and dating differently. 

They don’t waste thousands of hours trying to figure out how to attract her. 

And they definitely don’t play dating as a “numbers game,” wasting tens of thousands of dollars on the wrong women. 

They take the same mindset they have to become successful in business and apply it to their love lives – they get people on their team who can take them further faster.

If you’re ready to start having fun dating again and get everything you desire in love, I want to personally invite you to apply to work with me privately. 

I’ll be there with you to make sure you stop bad dating habits and start taking the right actions to attract your dream woman with ease. 

Once you apply, I’ll be reviewing your application and will reach out to you directly. 

I interview every private applicant to ensure we’re a great fit and I know working together will get you the results you want.

Button to apply for private coaching

I can't wait to start your transformation!

Emily Freeman Signature

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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