Practical tips to go from

confused to confident

in your love life

Get one step closer to your dream woman


Practical tips to go from

confused to confident

in your love life

Get one step closer to your dream woman

Previous Issues of The Newsletters

3 Skills to Get Her Thinking About You Nonstop

3 Skills to Get Her Thinking About You Nonstop

June 18, 20248 min read

You’re determined to find her.

A woman you can go on adventures with, who looks amazing on the beach next to you, who you can have a stimulating conversation with, who’s comfortable with her sexuality, and who can separate her emotions from logic.

Your dream woman wants more than a man who can provide and protect.

She also wants a man who will be a great partner and friend.

She wants to know she can open up to you. She wants to be able to trust you. She wants you to lead the relationship forward with integrity. And she wants to feel safe enough to show her silly and fun sides.

A woman like this makes dating easy and fun for you.

She doesn’t have her guard up. She’s not playing hard to get.

She takes a genuine interest in getting to know you.

But if you’re not integrated into your masculine energy and leading the dating process effectively, you’ll never experience this.

Instead, you’ll keep attracting women who feel guarded, critical, and controlling.

And the longer you get stuck in this cycle, the more insecure you become.

The more you wonder if you’re too picky, the more you question if your dream woman exists.

And the more you wonder if love is meant for you.

You’re generous, kind, and successful. You were never meant to experience a disheartening dating life.

You just haven’t developed the skills to be irresistible to a high-value woman… until now.

These are 3 skills that get her thinking about you nonstop.

3 Skills That Get Her Thinking About You Nonstop

1. Being decisive and action-oriented

Decisiveness is attractive to a high-value woman because it shows you’re confident in your direction. She sees you have a plan and feels like she can relax. When she gets out of her head, she’s in her feminine energy, where she can be naturally flirtatious and playful.

When she experiences herself in this energy, she craves the feeling again and again. She feels drawn back to you, excited to feel free and sensual in ways she doesn’t get to in her day-to-day life.

Decisiveness is not an inherent trait. It’s learned.

When you’re indecisive and passive in the dating process, it’s because you aren’t confident in your next step.

Being action-oriented in the dating process requires two things:

  1. Full integration into your masculine energy, including healing the mother and father wounds

  2. Defined internal and external boundaries for each phase of the dating process

Most coaches are either strategy coaches or mindset coaches. My programs include both. Because one without the other is ineffective.

Learning strategy without mindset will keep you stiff and insecure. You’ll block connections with high-value women. Your actions will be calculated, and women will feel this.

You’ll also keep repeating the same self-sabotaging patterns. Willpower is not enough when you have subconscious dating blocks. You need to rewire them.

Changing your mindset without learning strategy can be more effective, but it still leaves room for error when it comes to understanding high-value women. This is why you can take generalized personal development courses and still not attract your dream woman. Knowing how to relate to women to build attraction and trust is key.

2. Having a clear understanding of who you are

Self-awareness is crucial to building polarity and a lasting connection with your dream woman. When you know who you are, you’re able to initiate deeper conversations, inspire her to open up, and clearly articulate the life and partnership you want to create.

When a woman sees you know yourself, she feels safe getting closer to you. The men who lack self-awareness are the ones who have hurt her by going all in and then pulling away, shutting down when she tried to get her needs met, and putting her on a roller coaster of on-again-off-again relationships.

Knowing who you are goes beyond understanding what you’re passionate about or fulfills you. It also includes getting comfortable exploring the less pleasant parts of yourself.

Fear has little hold on your actions when you have confronted your shadow self, or the parts of yourself you don't accept.

When you are willing to see all sides of you, you no longer feel like you have something to hide from women. You become authentically confident.

Something magical happens.

She also gives herself permission to love and accept all of herself because of your lead. This is a feeling she’ll keep coming back for more of.

3. Knowing when to listen and when to open up

You can’t create a fulfilling partnership without effective communication skills. You must take a holistic communication approach to build polarity and trust with your dream woman. 

It’s not enough to know what to say. Lines and jokes won’t cut it. 

Effective communication skills include three things:

  1. Sharing your truth 

You need to know your truth and understand how to articulate it in a way she’ll be able to hear and interpret correctly.

  1. Listening to hers

Building trust starts with listening. When a woman feels heard, she feels safe. Knowing how to listen deepens the conversation and validates her experience. 

Note: Validating her experience does not mean you have to agree with her. When you understand how to practice active listening, you can simultaneously build polarity and trust by honoring her truth and speaking your own.

  1. Holding space

There’s nothing that pulls a woman closer to you than holding a secure space for her to be herself. 

Think of masculine energy like a frame and feminine like the painting in it. 

The painting is eye-catching, beautiful, and expressive. The frame is strong, secure, and illuminates the artwork. 

When you’re able to hold her in your frame, she lights up. She becomes her best self because she feels accepted and celebrated. 

Next time you’re on a date with a woman, try this. 

When she starts expressing herself, sit back in your chair and hold an upright posture. Put your hands comfortably on your lap. If you’re standing, place your body square to hers with your feet hip-width and arms by your side. 

Then, keep a soft gaze in her direction. 

Observe what she says and how she says it. Is she flirty or fidgety? Is she smiling or tense? Is she playful or serious? This will help you gauge her energy. 

You don't need dating tactics when you can understand a woman’s energy. Seeing her and knowing what she needs comes naturally.

Then, take a deep breath. 

When she’s done speaking, you can say, “You’re great.” Then, I want you to repeat back to her what you appreciated about what she shared. Illuminate her and her truth. What did you hear her say? What did that make you feel? 

No need to solve anything. Just be there. 

This is holding space. 

One of the biggest mistakes I see well-intentioned men make in communication is feeling like they have to be emotionless to be masculine. 

This could be furthest from the truth. 

In fact, it’s wounded masculine energy that’s emotionally unavailable. 

This is why repressing your emotions attracts women in wounded feminine energy who are overly emotional, insecure, and erratic. Or even women in wounded masculine energy who are guarded, unattached, controlling, and play games. 

To attract your dream woman, the woman who’s beautiful and level-headed, nurturing and independent, playful and deep, and wise and fun, you have to integrate into your masculine energy and learn to honor the feminine.

When you create a harmonious balance between both, you step into your authentic confidence and can naturally connect with her. 

I’ve helped thousands of men stop feeling like they have to act a certain way to be attractive to women. 

They realize they don’t have to keep performing and mimicking some other guy’s way of being masculine. 

And they see how that behavior comes off needy, insincere, and even creepy to women. 

My programs get quickly to the root of the issue to make lasting changes in your dating life from the inside out. 

I don’t teach games. I teach you how to cleanly align with your dream woman and create a lasting partnership by…

  • Rewiring your limiting beliefs to become authentically confident 

  • Transcending your subconscious dating blocks around abandonment, intimacy, and rejection so you stop self-sabotaging in dating 

  • Learning how to qualify women for a drama-free and lasting partnership

  • Understanding how to meet high-value women online and in-person while being yourself

  • Creating your unique dating leadership roadmap

  • Integrating into your masculine energy to build mind-blowing polarity 

  • Owning your desires and experiencing deeper sensuality 

  • Communicating effectively to create trust, respect, and loyalty 

And I’ve packaged it all into one life-changing course, Masculine in Love.

You'll experience the biggest transformation in your love life yet with in-depth video lessons, comprehensive worksheets, and an exclusive community for members only. 

I want nothing to hold you back from your dream woman. 

Whether you’re healing from a divorce or long-term relationship, have been single and dating for a while, or want to feel excited and ready to date again…

This course is your answer to getting everything you desire in love.

Join Masculine in Love by Emily Freeman Coaching

Until next time!

Emily Freeman Coaching Signature

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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Previous Issues of The Newsletters

3 Skills to Get Her Thinking About You Nonstop

3 Skills to Get Her Thinking About You Nonstop

June 18, 20248 min read

You’re determined to find her.

A woman you can go on adventures with, who looks amazing on the beach next to you, who you can have a stimulating conversation with, who’s comfortable with her sexuality, and who can separate her emotions from logic.

Your dream woman wants more than a man who can provide and protect.

She also wants a man who will be a great partner and friend.

She wants to know she can open up to you. She wants to be able to trust you. She wants you to lead the relationship forward with integrity. And she wants to feel safe enough to show her silly and fun sides.

A woman like this makes dating easy and fun for you.

She doesn’t have her guard up. She’s not playing hard to get.

She takes a genuine interest in getting to know you.

But if you’re not integrated into your masculine energy and leading the dating process effectively, you’ll never experience this.

Instead, you’ll keep attracting women who feel guarded, critical, and controlling.

And the longer you get stuck in this cycle, the more insecure you become.

The more you wonder if you’re too picky, the more you question if your dream woman exists.

And the more you wonder if love is meant for you.

You’re generous, kind, and successful. You were never meant to experience a disheartening dating life.

You just haven’t developed the skills to be irresistible to a high-value woman… until now.

These are 3 skills that get her thinking about you nonstop.

3 Skills That Get Her Thinking About You Nonstop

1. Being decisive and action-oriented

Decisiveness is attractive to a high-value woman because it shows you’re confident in your direction. She sees you have a plan and feels like she can relax. When she gets out of her head, she’s in her feminine energy, where she can be naturally flirtatious and playful.

When she experiences herself in this energy, she craves the feeling again and again. She feels drawn back to you, excited to feel free and sensual in ways she doesn’t get to in her day-to-day life.

Decisiveness is not an inherent trait. It’s learned.

When you’re indecisive and passive in the dating process, it’s because you aren’t confident in your next step.

Being action-oriented in the dating process requires two things:

  1. Full integration into your masculine energy, including healing the mother and father wounds

  2. Defined internal and external boundaries for each phase of the dating process

Most coaches are either strategy coaches or mindset coaches. My programs include both. Because one without the other is ineffective.

Learning strategy without mindset will keep you stiff and insecure. You’ll block connections with high-value women. Your actions will be calculated, and women will feel this.

You’ll also keep repeating the same self-sabotaging patterns. Willpower is not enough when you have subconscious dating blocks. You need to rewire them.

Changing your mindset without learning strategy can be more effective, but it still leaves room for error when it comes to understanding high-value women. This is why you can take generalized personal development courses and still not attract your dream woman. Knowing how to relate to women to build attraction and trust is key.

2. Having a clear understanding of who you are

Self-awareness is crucial to building polarity and a lasting connection with your dream woman. When you know who you are, you’re able to initiate deeper conversations, inspire her to open up, and clearly articulate the life and partnership you want to create.

When a woman sees you know yourself, she feels safe getting closer to you. The men who lack self-awareness are the ones who have hurt her by going all in and then pulling away, shutting down when she tried to get her needs met, and putting her on a roller coaster of on-again-off-again relationships.

Knowing who you are goes beyond understanding what you’re passionate about or fulfills you. It also includes getting comfortable exploring the less pleasant parts of yourself.

Fear has little hold on your actions when you have confronted your shadow self, or the parts of yourself you don't accept.

When you are willing to see all sides of you, you no longer feel like you have something to hide from women. You become authentically confident.

Something magical happens.

She also gives herself permission to love and accept all of herself because of your lead. This is a feeling she’ll keep coming back for more of.

3. Knowing when to listen and when to open up

You can’t create a fulfilling partnership without effective communication skills. You must take a holistic communication approach to build polarity and trust with your dream woman. 

It’s not enough to know what to say. Lines and jokes won’t cut it. 

Effective communication skills include three things:

  1. Sharing your truth 

You need to know your truth and understand how to articulate it in a way she’ll be able to hear and interpret correctly.

  1. Listening to hers

Building trust starts with listening. When a woman feels heard, she feels safe. Knowing how to listen deepens the conversation and validates her experience. 

Note: Validating her experience does not mean you have to agree with her. When you understand how to practice active listening, you can simultaneously build polarity and trust by honoring her truth and speaking your own.

  1. Holding space

There’s nothing that pulls a woman closer to you than holding a secure space for her to be herself. 

Think of masculine energy like a frame and feminine like the painting in it. 

The painting is eye-catching, beautiful, and expressive. The frame is strong, secure, and illuminates the artwork. 

When you’re able to hold her in your frame, she lights up. She becomes her best self because she feels accepted and celebrated. 

Next time you’re on a date with a woman, try this. 

When she starts expressing herself, sit back in your chair and hold an upright posture. Put your hands comfortably on your lap. If you’re standing, place your body square to hers with your feet hip-width and arms by your side. 

Then, keep a soft gaze in her direction. 

Observe what she says and how she says it. Is she flirty or fidgety? Is she smiling or tense? Is she playful or serious? This will help you gauge her energy. 

You don't need dating tactics when you can understand a woman’s energy. Seeing her and knowing what she needs comes naturally.

Then, take a deep breath. 

When she’s done speaking, you can say, “You’re great.” Then, I want you to repeat back to her what you appreciated about what she shared. Illuminate her and her truth. What did you hear her say? What did that make you feel? 

No need to solve anything. Just be there. 

This is holding space. 

One of the biggest mistakes I see well-intentioned men make in communication is feeling like they have to be emotionless to be masculine. 

This could be furthest from the truth. 

In fact, it’s wounded masculine energy that’s emotionally unavailable. 

This is why repressing your emotions attracts women in wounded feminine energy who are overly emotional, insecure, and erratic. Or even women in wounded masculine energy who are guarded, unattached, controlling, and play games. 

To attract your dream woman, the woman who’s beautiful and level-headed, nurturing and independent, playful and deep, and wise and fun, you have to integrate into your masculine energy and learn to honor the feminine.

When you create a harmonious balance between both, you step into your authentic confidence and can naturally connect with her. 

I’ve helped thousands of men stop feeling like they have to act a certain way to be attractive to women. 

They realize they don’t have to keep performing and mimicking some other guy’s way of being masculine. 

And they see how that behavior comes off needy, insincere, and even creepy to women. 

My programs get quickly to the root of the issue to make lasting changes in your dating life from the inside out. 

I don’t teach games. I teach you how to cleanly align with your dream woman and create a lasting partnership by…

  • Rewiring your limiting beliefs to become authentically confident 

  • Transcending your subconscious dating blocks around abandonment, intimacy, and rejection so you stop self-sabotaging in dating 

  • Learning how to qualify women for a drama-free and lasting partnership

  • Understanding how to meet high-value women online and in-person while being yourself

  • Creating your unique dating leadership roadmap

  • Integrating into your masculine energy to build mind-blowing polarity 

  • Owning your desires and experiencing deeper sensuality 

  • Communicating effectively to create trust, respect, and loyalty 

And I’ve packaged it all into one life-changing course, Masculine in Love.

You'll experience the biggest transformation in your love life yet with in-depth video lessons, comprehensive worksheets, and an exclusive community for members only. 

I want nothing to hold you back from your dream woman. 

Whether you’re healing from a divorce or long-term relationship, have been single and dating for a while, or want to feel excited and ready to date again…

This course is your answer to getting everything you desire in love.

Join Masculine in Love by Emily Freeman Coaching

Until next time!

Emily Freeman Coaching Signature

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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