Practical tips to go from

confused to confident

in your love life

Get one step closer to your dream woman


Practical tips to go from

confused to confident

in your love life

Get one step closer to your dream woman

Previous Issues of The Newsletters

How to create fireworks with your dream woman!

How to create fireworks with your dream woman!

July 03, 20246 min read

There was nothing boring about Mike when I first met him. 

And yet, he is the most emotionally available man I’ve ever been with. 

Our connection was so strong that I stayed up late night after night to Facetime with him and giggled during our entire first date when we finally met in person.

And almost three years later, our connection is even stronger. 

But I didn't fall for him because he pretended not to be into me or because he was “hard to get.” 

In fact, he even reassured me after our first date that this wouldn’t be the last I saw of him.

I fell for him because I felt seen and celebrated in a way I had never experienced before, even before we met and even more so on the first few dates. 

He didn’t try to flirt with me; there was just a mutual flirtation because he was focused on getting to know me, and I felt his energy.

We bantered because it felt natural for us to do so, and we learned about each other because we were both open to experiencing intimacy. 

If you have a tendency to attract emotionally unavailable women, you’ve likely gotten the warning that dating available women may feel boring because the thrill of trying to achieve love is gone. 

You’re no longer on pins and needles wondering if she’s into you. There’s no chase.

But at this point, you are ready to get off the roller coaster of dating emotionally unavailable women.

You know you have so much to offer and going on another date or ending up in a relationship or even marriage with another emotionally unavailable woman is not an option. 

But any time you meet a woman you are into, she is not ready for the relationship you want. 

And any time a woman is into you, you don’t have that “feeling.”

So you keep wondering if you can have it all – an emotionally available woman AND firework chemistry that keeps you coming back for more. 

The answer in my experience is yes! 

And what better time to talk about feeling fireworks in dating than on the 4th of July! 

How to Build Fireworks With Your Dream Woman

There are two main reasons why the women you’re into never are into you.

1. When you first attract emotionally available women, it’s not boredom you feel. It’s stability.

And when you aren’t familiar with stability, your subconscious will trick you into thinking this person isn’t right.

You’ll search high and low for a reason she isn’t right for you, and find no rational one. Your subconscious will try to find out what’s wrong with her. You may start to hyperfocus on how she chews or worry she’ll become too needy.

This is when you shut down. 

On a subconscious level, you disconnect from the experience of getting to know her so you don’t feel anything. 

I was able to fall head over heels for an emotionally available man because I reprogrammed my subconscious to stop getting a thrill from the chase. 

This is the same powerful work the high-performing men in my programs go through to rewire their dating blocks and create fireworks for emotionally available women:

How to create fireworks with your dream woman!

2. You are attracting available women, but you don’t know how to connect with them. 

If you want a woman who will be your best friend who you're also wildly attracted to, you need to attract an emotionally available woman.  

What works to attract the emotionally unavailable women you're used to is not what attracts an emotionally available one.

I teach you three principles you need to make it past the first few dates with an emotionally available woman in How to Get Past the Third Date:

  1. Leadership skills

  2. Communication habits

  3. Energy 

The third is the most important.

Women fall for you because of your energy.

Emotionally available women are looking for a man in his healthy masculine energy.

And until you're in your masculine energy, your leadership and communication will feel forced. 

I know this concept of "energy" can feel abstract. So let’s break it down:

Getting stuck in your head is the top reason your masculine energy gets blocked and a woman does not open up to you.

And it’s not because you aren’t allowed to be nervous. Be nervous!

The nerves aren’t the issue, it’s your thoughts about what they mean. 

As soon as you start obsessing over how you feel, telling yourself you blew it, your entire energy shifts and you stop acting like yourself. 

And putting on a performance is why she shuts down, not the nerves. 

So, yes, if you have unregulated attachment tendencies and subconscious dating blocks, experiencing an emotionally available woman is not going to work. 

You’re skipping steps hoping the woman will change your mindset and outcome.

You need to change a few things first. 

Then, the overthinking stops and you confidently connect with your dream woman. 

I want to teach you how to attract and build polarity from a genuine place.

Understanding how to do this with a high-value woman during the first three dates is like rocket fuel for your dating life. 

It’s the secret sauce to how I’ve helped hundreds of men attract their dream woman. 

How many times have you felt like you finally met the one to only hear, “You’re a great guy, but…”?

For a busy, driven guy who has a lot going for him, it's already been one too many. 

Time is money and you’re done spending it on the wrong women and pushing away the right. 

It’s time to stop second-date sabotage and build fireworks with your dream woman.

The first few dates are the most important piece of creating your dream partnership. 

They’re what set the tone for the rest of the relationship. 

I teach you how to build your leadership skills, develop your communication style, and get your energy on point in How to Get Past the Third Date

When you join, you’ll get instant access to principles no one else is talking about like the Polarity Pyramid, stopping second-date sabotage, and harnessing chosen energy.

And for this week only, you have an opportunity to transform your dating life for a fraction of the normal investment.* 

Let’s make this summer the one you meet your dream woman! 

I'm ready to get her

And, if you’re looking for more personalized guidance to accelerate your results and attract her even quicker, let's find out if we're a good fit for VIP Private Coaching.

When you become a VIP, you get hands-on guidance to understand how to meet, attract, and successfully date your dream woman for a lasting partnership.

Whether you're healing from a breakup or a divorce or have been single for decades, I quickly get to the root of your dating roadblocks so there's nothing holding you back from getting everything you desire in love.

Apply now to see if we’re a good fit for one-on-one mentorship.

Apply to Become a VIP

Until next time!

Emily Freeman Coaching Signature

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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Previous Issues of The Newsletters

How to create fireworks with your dream woman!

How to create fireworks with your dream woman!

July 03, 20246 min read

There was nothing boring about Mike when I first met him. 

And yet, he is the most emotionally available man I’ve ever been with. 

Our connection was so strong that I stayed up late night after night to Facetime with him and giggled during our entire first date when we finally met in person.

And almost three years later, our connection is even stronger. 

But I didn't fall for him because he pretended not to be into me or because he was “hard to get.” 

In fact, he even reassured me after our first date that this wouldn’t be the last I saw of him.

I fell for him because I felt seen and celebrated in a way I had never experienced before, even before we met and even more so on the first few dates. 

He didn’t try to flirt with me; there was just a mutual flirtation because he was focused on getting to know me, and I felt his energy.

We bantered because it felt natural for us to do so, and we learned about each other because we were both open to experiencing intimacy. 

If you have a tendency to attract emotionally unavailable women, you’ve likely gotten the warning that dating available women may feel boring because the thrill of trying to achieve love is gone. 

You’re no longer on pins and needles wondering if she’s into you. There’s no chase.

But at this point, you are ready to get off the roller coaster of dating emotionally unavailable women.

You know you have so much to offer and going on another date or ending up in a relationship or even marriage with another emotionally unavailable woman is not an option. 

But any time you meet a woman you are into, she is not ready for the relationship you want. 

And any time a woman is into you, you don’t have that “feeling.”

So you keep wondering if you can have it all – an emotionally available woman AND firework chemistry that keeps you coming back for more. 

The answer in my experience is yes! 

And what better time to talk about feeling fireworks in dating than on the 4th of July! 

How to Build Fireworks With Your Dream Woman

There are two main reasons why the women you’re into never are into you.

1. When you first attract emotionally available women, it’s not boredom you feel. It’s stability.

And when you aren’t familiar with stability, your subconscious will trick you into thinking this person isn’t right.

You’ll search high and low for a reason she isn’t right for you, and find no rational one. Your subconscious will try to find out what’s wrong with her. You may start to hyperfocus on how she chews or worry she’ll become too needy.

This is when you shut down. 

On a subconscious level, you disconnect from the experience of getting to know her so you don’t feel anything. 

I was able to fall head over heels for an emotionally available man because I reprogrammed my subconscious to stop getting a thrill from the chase. 

This is the same powerful work the high-performing men in my programs go through to rewire their dating blocks and create fireworks for emotionally available women:

How to create fireworks with your dream woman!

2. You are attracting available women, but you don’t know how to connect with them. 

If you want a woman who will be your best friend who you're also wildly attracted to, you need to attract an emotionally available woman.  

What works to attract the emotionally unavailable women you're used to is not what attracts an emotionally available one.

I teach you three principles you need to make it past the first few dates with an emotionally available woman in How to Get Past the Third Date:

  1. Leadership skills

  2. Communication habits

  3. Energy 

The third is the most important.

Women fall for you because of your energy.

Emotionally available women are looking for a man in his healthy masculine energy.

And until you're in your masculine energy, your leadership and communication will feel forced. 

I know this concept of "energy" can feel abstract. So let’s break it down:

Getting stuck in your head is the top reason your masculine energy gets blocked and a woman does not open up to you.

And it’s not because you aren’t allowed to be nervous. Be nervous!

The nerves aren’t the issue, it’s your thoughts about what they mean. 

As soon as you start obsessing over how you feel, telling yourself you blew it, your entire energy shifts and you stop acting like yourself. 

And putting on a performance is why she shuts down, not the nerves. 

So, yes, if you have unregulated attachment tendencies and subconscious dating blocks, experiencing an emotionally available woman is not going to work. 

You’re skipping steps hoping the woman will change your mindset and outcome.

You need to change a few things first. 

Then, the overthinking stops and you confidently connect with your dream woman. 

I want to teach you how to attract and build polarity from a genuine place.

Understanding how to do this with a high-value woman during the first three dates is like rocket fuel for your dating life. 

It’s the secret sauce to how I’ve helped hundreds of men attract their dream woman. 

How many times have you felt like you finally met the one to only hear, “You’re a great guy, but…”?

For a busy, driven guy who has a lot going for him, it's already been one too many. 

Time is money and you’re done spending it on the wrong women and pushing away the right. 

It’s time to stop second-date sabotage and build fireworks with your dream woman.

The first few dates are the most important piece of creating your dream partnership. 

They’re what set the tone for the rest of the relationship. 

I teach you how to build your leadership skills, develop your communication style, and get your energy on point in How to Get Past the Third Date

When you join, you’ll get instant access to principles no one else is talking about like the Polarity Pyramid, stopping second-date sabotage, and harnessing chosen energy.

And for this week only, you have an opportunity to transform your dating life for a fraction of the normal investment.* 

Let’s make this summer the one you meet your dream woman! 

I'm ready to get her

And, if you’re looking for more personalized guidance to accelerate your results and attract her even quicker, let's find out if we're a good fit for VIP Private Coaching.

When you become a VIP, you get hands-on guidance to understand how to meet, attract, and successfully date your dream woman for a lasting partnership.

Whether you're healing from a breakup or a divorce or have been single for decades, I quickly get to the root of your dating roadblocks so there's nothing holding you back from getting everything you desire in love.

Apply now to see if we’re a good fit for one-on-one mentorship.

Apply to Become a VIP

Until next time!

Emily Freeman Coaching Signature

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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