My fiance calls it “ocean energy.”
He’s referring to the waves, tides, and currents of my emotions.
He loves when I embrace all parts of my feminine energy and give myself space to express myself in healthy and loving ways.
You’ve probably witnessed this in a woman you loved at one point, too.
One moment, she is expressing her joy and enthusiasm for life, and the next, she’s feeling hurt by something her friend said to her.
Let’s get one thing very clear: I’m not talking about a woman who experiences emotional outbursts where she projects her anger onto you or relies on you to solve her emotions.
If you have a subconscious attraction to chaos or unavailability, this is likely the only relationship dynamic you have experienced, aside from boredom or disinterest.
When a woman has emotional outbursts and projects onto you, it’s because she’s actually repressing her emotions, not processing them.
The relationship starts out intense and exciting. You feel drawn to her raw feminine nature.
But what you interpret as rawness is actually a sign of emotional unavailability.
She doesn’t know how to regulate or process her emotions. And it’s why the relationship burns out as quickly as it started.
An emotionally available woman allows herself to fully experience joy, excitement, and serenity and also sadness, anger, and fear without judgment.
It may not always look perfect. However, she takes ownership of her emotional experience and strives to know herself better.
And while you desire this, you feel stuck because you don’t know how to connect with a woman like this or even know how to determine if she is expressing healthy emotions or not.
Anytime a woman tells you how she’s feeling or shows a layer of “negative” emotions, you immediately worry you’ll end up in the same stressful situation as before.
You shut down and pull away.
Or you try to get closer to her and build an emotional bond, but she gets upset and tells you that you said or did the wrong thing.
So, how do you know if she’s expressing her emotions in a healthy way or not? How do you know if you did something to upset her or she’s just emotionally dysregulated?
A woman who’s integrated into her healthy feminine energy takes ownership of her emotional experience and can express it in healthy and connected ways.
These are five signs a woman is integrated into her healthy feminine energy.
1. She reciprocates interest
A woman in her feminine energy won’t lead the dating process. She wants to know you’re intentional, that you know what you want and have the confidence to go after it.
Leading the dating process with a woman like this is fun, not stressful.
When she’s into you, she doesn’t play games or lead you on. When you text her, she’ll reply enthusiastically. When you take her out, she will be playful, open, and present. When you put your arm around her, she’ll lean in closer.
This is why it’s so important for you to integrate into your healthy masculine energy so you can effectively lead the dating process and build lasting polarity with healthy feminine energy women. Otherwise, you will continue to attract guarded and controlling women and block attraction with the nurturing, compassionate, and gracious woman you want the most.
2. She allows herself to play
A woman can only access her feminine energy in dating when she has a healthy relationship with masculine energy.
Unfortunately, a lot of women get stuck in wounded masculine or wounded feminine energy when they’ve been hurt in relationships. They don’t know how or don’t choose to heal.
They become aloof and guarded and have a hard time relaxing on dates.
Different from first-date nerves or precautions, these women feel it’s necessary to stay protected well into the relationship and are always on the defensive.
When a woman is integrated into her healthy feminine energy, she’s discerning about who she opens up to and when.
She won’t immediately start coming on to you or telling you her entire life story. She won’t try to seduce you or prove herself to you. She will want to make sure you’re someone she can trust and feel open with.
She’ll focus on getting to know you, and it’ll feel good. She’ll ask you questions about yourself and spend time with you.
When you’re integrated into your masculine energy, creating safety for her comes naturally. She feels your strength, and she feels led. You’ll know you’re in this energy when she becomes more flirtatious and playful gradually over time.
3. She has strong boundaries
A lot of people misconstrue feminine energy with passivity. Feminine energy is not passive. It’s receptive, meaning it’s comfortable receiving.
Feminine energy has boundaries.
But a lot of men confuse boundaries for rejection.
So, let’s get this straight.
If a woman tells you she’s busy and offers another time, it is not rejection.
If a woman asks to go to a different restaurant, it is not rejection.
If a woman says she’s going to be a few minutes late and apologizes, it is not rejection.
If a woman says she likes you but is not ready to kiss you, it is not rejection.
When you take it as rejection and shut down or pull away, she no longer feels your intention.
And when she no longer feels your intention, she doesn’t feel safe and pulls away.
Remember: A woman who has healthy boundaries is a good thing. It shows she takes care of herself, which creates more peace and harmony in the relationship.
Healthy boundaries look like…
Letting you know when she already has plans and communicating other days and times she’s available
Saying “no” when you invite her back to your place before she feels comfortable
Telling you she’s interested in you but that she’s not ready to be physically intimate with you
Being open about who she is and also communicating when she’s not ready to share something personal with you right away or only sharing what she is comfortable with
Not initiating communication or planning dates because she wants to be lead in dating and reciprocating interest instead
4. She expresses her desires
When a woman tries to always please you, she’ll either get resentful and overreact to little things or rely on you for 100% of her happiness.
If a woman doesn’t communicate what she wants or needs, sooner or later, her repressed desires will come out in arguments about “nothing” or an overall resentful attitude.
When she tells you what makes her happy and can even give it to herself, BIG green flag.
A woman who knows what she wants has taken the time to understand that her fulfillment is her responsibility.
Remember: Your job is never to heal a woman. Your job is to give her the freedom and support for her to learn more about herself so that you can do the same.
When a woman relies on you for her happiness, she becomes demanding. Nothing you do is ever good enough because it can’t be.
You can only make her as happy as she can be within herself.
When a woman is in her healthy feminine energy, she glows. Her happiness comes from the inside, not outside. And she is looking for a man who will enhance her light, not dim it.
5. She will express her emotions without blame
No matter how great of a guy you are, you will unintentionally hurt your dream woman at one point or another.
You are human, and so is she.
You will say or do something that will upset her. There will be miscommunication and misunderstandings.
A healthy partnership works through these moments to gain clarity and understanding of each person’s experience.
A woman who’s integrated into her healthy feminine energy will recognize that what you did affected the way she felt and she will express that to you. But she won’t blame you for her emotional reaction.
She will still ask you to take ownership for any missteps and repair any broken trust or safety. And it’s important you do so.
She may decide the partnership isn’t right for her. This is why it’s really important to rewire your subconscious programming so you don’t self-sabotage as soon as the relationship is going well.
Whether she decides to stay and repair or leave, she will take ownership for her emotional reaction and be able to talk to you about her experience without shaming you.
You can be a great guy and still not know how to be there for a woman when she’s emotional.
Men and women express their emotions differently, and their needs for processing can be different.
Her style of processing can also depend on her attachment tendencies. If she has more anxious attachment tendencies, she may want more reassurance and support right away. If she has more avoidant attachment tendencies, she may want space to process and reassurance when she’s ready to talk.
Knowing how to be there for a woman to support her emotional expression is crucial to building a lasting connection.
It doesn’t take much. It just takes the right touch.
And when you know how to be there for her, her loyalty to you becomes undying, and her love deepens.
I’m talking about more head rubs, home-cooked meals, sexy nights together, and urging you to have another guys’ night or treat yourself to another round of golf.
1. Listen, don't solve
This is age-old dating advice that most men have a hard time with, no matter how many times they hear it.
When you’re a successful, get-it-done kind of guy, I know it can be excruciating to hear anyone talk about a problem just to vent.
Why talk about it if you’re not going to solve it, right?
Well, the woman of your dreams is much savvier than you may even realize. She likely already knows what she has to do.
A woman integrated into her healthy feminine energy has a strong relationship with her intuition, and she trusts it.
Sometimes, she just wants to know she’s not going through life alone. She wants to share her experience with you.
When a woman comes to you with a problem, the way you can solve it is to support her emotionally.
Listen to what she’s saying. Hear the words and pay close attention to her tone and facial expressions. They’ll tell you everything.
Let her talk until she’s done. Ask questions to help her open up.
Then, simply ask her – “How can I support you?”
If she says, “I don’t know.” You can say, “Do you want to think about it for a moment? How can I comfort you?”
If she still says, “I don’t know,” just tell her you’re there to support her however she needs when she has clarity.
2. Celebrate her vulnerability
If you want a woman who accepts and respects all of you – you have to do the same for her.
One of the most effective ways to make a woman feel safe is to celebrate her vulnerability by staying present in the relationship.
Many women have had experiences where, as soon as they opened up to a man, he shut down, pulled away, and eventually left.
When you show her that you not only accept all sides of her but honor them, she’ll never want to leave your side.
Next time she shows emotion, look her in the eyes and say, “Thank you for sharing that with me. I’m so happy you feel comfortable showing me all sides of you.”
Then, show her love by hugging and kissing her, taking her out to a beautiful dinner, or just being present and spending time with her.
Trust me, she won’t be able to wait to tell her friends about the amazing man she has.
3. Don't make it about you
When you’re first getting to know a woman, it can be tempting to want to relate back to her.
I know you mean well, and you just want her to know she’s not alone, but if you do this too much or don’t bring the conversation back to what she’s experiencing, she doesn’t feel heard.
She feels closest to you when you keep it about her experience.
Ask her deepening questions and let her know you’re there to support her.
You can also say, “I hear this is hard for you. I want you to know it’s okay to feel how you’re feeling, and you’re not alone.”
Then, you can say, “I think I’ve been through something that felt similar.”
She’ll say, “Oh yeah? What’s that?”
This is your opening to share.
When you try to relate it back to you too quickly or spend more time talking about your experience versus hers when she brought up the conversation, she doesn’t feel validated in her experience.
A high-value woman will test you…
But not in the way you may think.
Relationships are our greatest mirrors.
This is what makes them so fulfilling. We learn more about ourselves and the other person every day.
And it’s also what can also make them challenging. We’re faced with parts of ourselves we don’t see when we’re single.
This is why you may feel confident as all hell when you’re alone. And as soon as a woman enters your life, you feel like a mess.
You start doubting yourself, wondering if having a relationship is even worth it.
It is worth it.
You are worth having an amazing woman to share laughter and memorable moments with, to exchange affectionate kisses, and to welcome every new beginning together.
I know it’s possible for you because I’ve seen it happen for thousands of other men, like…
💙 Mason, who struggled to overcome his avoidant tendencies in dating, is now in a secure and loving relationship with his dream woman (who he now lives with!).
💙 Adam, who was frustrated that even after doing so much work on himself, he still didn’t have the girl and is now in a relationship with his dream woman.
💙 And Matt, who felt insecure with women and could never attract the woman he actually wanted, is now confidently dating a gorgeous, accomplished woman he never imagined possible.
When you don’t understand how to relate to women it’s because you’re disconnected from your own masculine and feminine energies.
You never learned how to lead the dating process effectively, build connection and attraction, and handle any road bumps along the way.
It’s never too late to learn.
I am fired up and ready to show you how to overcome your limitations in love and get the partnership you’ve always desired.
I’m opening up a limited number of VIP Private Coaching spots that come with a surprise special offer.
We’ll work one-on-one to…
Rewire old dating patterns and stop self-sabotage
Integrate into your healthy masculine energy and cultivate authentic confidence
Build mind-blowing polarity naturally with your dream woman
Understand how to honor and respect the feminine to create an unbreakable bond with her
Apply to be one of the select few who get to work with me privately and claim your special offer.
Until next time!
My fiance calls it “ocean energy.”
He’s referring to the waves, tides, and currents of my emotions.
He loves when I embrace all parts of my feminine energy and give myself space to express myself in healthy and loving ways.
You’ve probably witnessed this in a woman you loved at one point, too.
One moment, she is expressing her joy and enthusiasm for life, and the next, she’s feeling hurt by something her friend said to her.
Let’s get one thing very clear: I’m not talking about a woman who experiences emotional outbursts where she projects her anger onto you or relies on you to solve her emotions.
If you have a subconscious attraction to chaos or unavailability, this is likely the only relationship dynamic you have experienced, aside from boredom or disinterest.
When a woman has emotional outbursts and projects onto you, it’s because she’s actually repressing her emotions, not processing them.
The relationship starts out intense and exciting. You feel drawn to her raw feminine nature.
But what you interpret as rawness is actually a sign of emotional unavailability.
She doesn’t know how to regulate or process her emotions. And it’s why the relationship burns out as quickly as it started.
An emotionally available woman allows herself to fully experience joy, excitement, and serenity and also sadness, anger, and fear without judgment.
It may not always look perfect. However, she takes ownership of her emotional experience and strives to know herself better.
And while you desire this, you feel stuck because you don’t know how to connect with a woman like this or even know how to determine if she is expressing healthy emotions or not.
Anytime a woman tells you how she’s feeling or shows a layer of “negative” emotions, you immediately worry you’ll end up in the same stressful situation as before.
You shut down and pull away.
Or you try to get closer to her and build an emotional bond, but she gets upset and tells you that you said or did the wrong thing.
So, how do you know if she’s expressing her emotions in a healthy way or not? How do you know if you did something to upset her or she’s just emotionally dysregulated?
A woman who’s integrated into her healthy feminine energy takes ownership of her emotional experience and can express it in healthy and connected ways.
These are five signs a woman is integrated into her healthy feminine energy.
1. She reciprocates interest
A woman in her feminine energy won’t lead the dating process. She wants to know you’re intentional, that you know what you want and have the confidence to go after it.
Leading the dating process with a woman like this is fun, not stressful.
When she’s into you, she doesn’t play games or lead you on. When you text her, she’ll reply enthusiastically. When you take her out, she will be playful, open, and present. When you put your arm around her, she’ll lean in closer.
This is why it’s so important for you to integrate into your healthy masculine energy so you can effectively lead the dating process and build lasting polarity with healthy feminine energy women. Otherwise, you will continue to attract guarded and controlling women and block attraction with the nurturing, compassionate, and gracious woman you want the most.
2. She allows herself to play
A woman can only access her feminine energy in dating when she has a healthy relationship with masculine energy.
Unfortunately, a lot of women get stuck in wounded masculine or wounded feminine energy when they’ve been hurt in relationships. They don’t know how or don’t choose to heal.
They become aloof and guarded and have a hard time relaxing on dates.
Different from first-date nerves or precautions, these women feel it’s necessary to stay protected well into the relationship and are always on the defensive.
When a woman is integrated into her healthy feminine energy, she’s discerning about who she opens up to and when.
She won’t immediately start coming on to you or telling you her entire life story. She won’t try to seduce you or prove herself to you. She will want to make sure you’re someone she can trust and feel open with.
She’ll focus on getting to know you, and it’ll feel good. She’ll ask you questions about yourself and spend time with you.
When you’re integrated into your masculine energy, creating safety for her comes naturally. She feels your strength, and she feels led. You’ll know you’re in this energy when she becomes more flirtatious and playful gradually over time.
3. She has strong boundaries
A lot of people misconstrue feminine energy with passivity. Feminine energy is not passive. It’s receptive, meaning it’s comfortable receiving.
Feminine energy has boundaries.
But a lot of men confuse boundaries for rejection.
So, let’s get this straight.
If a woman tells you she’s busy and offers another time, it is not rejection.
If a woman asks to go to a different restaurant, it is not rejection.
If a woman says she’s going to be a few minutes late and apologizes, it is not rejection.
If a woman says she likes you but is not ready to kiss you, it is not rejection.
When you take it as rejection and shut down or pull away, she no longer feels your intention.
And when she no longer feels your intention, she doesn’t feel safe and pulls away.
Remember: A woman who has healthy boundaries is a good thing. It shows she takes care of herself, which creates more peace and harmony in the relationship.
Healthy boundaries look like…
Letting you know when she already has plans and communicating other days and times she’s available
Saying “no” when you invite her back to your place before she feels comfortable
Telling you she’s interested in you but that she’s not ready to be physically intimate with you
Being open about who she is and also communicating when she’s not ready to share something personal with you right away or only sharing what she is comfortable with
Not initiating communication or planning dates because she wants to be lead in dating and reciprocating interest instead
4. She expresses her desires
When a woman tries to always please you, she’ll either get resentful and overreact to little things or rely on you for 100% of her happiness.
If a woman doesn’t communicate what she wants or needs, sooner or later, her repressed desires will come out in arguments about “nothing” or an overall resentful attitude.
When she tells you what makes her happy and can even give it to herself, BIG green flag.
A woman who knows what she wants has taken the time to understand that her fulfillment is her responsibility.
Remember: Your job is never to heal a woman. Your job is to give her the freedom and support for her to learn more about herself so that you can do the same.
When a woman relies on you for her happiness, she becomes demanding. Nothing you do is ever good enough because it can’t be.
You can only make her as happy as she can be within herself.
When a woman is in her healthy feminine energy, she glows. Her happiness comes from the inside, not outside. And she is looking for a man who will enhance her light, not dim it.
5. She will express her emotions without blame
No matter how great of a guy you are, you will unintentionally hurt your dream woman at one point or another.
You are human, and so is she.
You will say or do something that will upset her. There will be miscommunication and misunderstandings.
A healthy partnership works through these moments to gain clarity and understanding of each person’s experience.
A woman who’s integrated into her healthy feminine energy will recognize that what you did affected the way she felt and she will express that to you. But she won’t blame you for her emotional reaction.
She will still ask you to take ownership for any missteps and repair any broken trust or safety. And it’s important you do so.
She may decide the partnership isn’t right for her. This is why it’s really important to rewire your subconscious programming so you don’t self-sabotage as soon as the relationship is going well.
Whether she decides to stay and repair or leave, she will take ownership for her emotional reaction and be able to talk to you about her experience without shaming you.
You can be a great guy and still not know how to be there for a woman when she’s emotional.
Men and women express their emotions differently, and their needs for processing can be different.
Her style of processing can also depend on her attachment tendencies. If she has more anxious attachment tendencies, she may want more reassurance and support right away. If she has more avoidant attachment tendencies, she may want space to process and reassurance when she’s ready to talk.
Knowing how to be there for a woman to support her emotional expression is crucial to building a lasting connection.
It doesn’t take much. It just takes the right touch.
And when you know how to be there for her, her loyalty to you becomes undying, and her love deepens.
I’m talking about more head rubs, home-cooked meals, sexy nights together, and urging you to have another guys’ night or treat yourself to another round of golf.
1. Listen, don't solve
This is age-old dating advice that most men have a hard time with, no matter how many times they hear it.
When you’re a successful, get-it-done kind of guy, I know it can be excruciating to hear anyone talk about a problem just to vent.
Why talk about it if you’re not going to solve it, right?
Well, the woman of your dreams is much savvier than you may even realize. She likely already knows what she has to do.
A woman integrated into her healthy feminine energy has a strong relationship with her intuition, and she trusts it.
Sometimes, she just wants to know she’s not going through life alone. She wants to share her experience with you.
When a woman comes to you with a problem, the way you can solve it is to support her emotionally.
Listen to what she’s saying. Hear the words and pay close attention to her tone and facial expressions. They’ll tell you everything.
Let her talk until she’s done. Ask questions to help her open up.
Then, simply ask her – “How can I support you?”
If she says, “I don’t know.” You can say, “Do you want to think about it for a moment? How can I comfort you?”
If she still says, “I don’t know,” just tell her you’re there to support her however she needs when she has clarity.
2. Celebrate her vulnerability
If you want a woman who accepts and respects all of you – you have to do the same for her.
One of the most effective ways to make a woman feel safe is to celebrate her vulnerability by staying present in the relationship.
Many women have had experiences where, as soon as they opened up to a man, he shut down, pulled away, and eventually left.
When you show her that you not only accept all sides of her but honor them, she’ll never want to leave your side.
Next time she shows emotion, look her in the eyes and say, “Thank you for sharing that with me. I’m so happy you feel comfortable showing me all sides of you.”
Then, show her love by hugging and kissing her, taking her out to a beautiful dinner, or just being present and spending time with her.
Trust me, she won’t be able to wait to tell her friends about the amazing man she has.
3. Don't make it about you
When you’re first getting to know a woman, it can be tempting to want to relate back to her.
I know you mean well, and you just want her to know she’s not alone, but if you do this too much or don’t bring the conversation back to what she’s experiencing, she doesn’t feel heard.
She feels closest to you when you keep it about her experience.
Ask her deepening questions and let her know you’re there to support her.
You can also say, “I hear this is hard for you. I want you to know it’s okay to feel how you’re feeling, and you’re not alone.”
Then, you can say, “I think I’ve been through something that felt similar.”
She’ll say, “Oh yeah? What’s that?”
This is your opening to share.
When you try to relate it back to you too quickly or spend more time talking about your experience versus hers when she brought up the conversation, she doesn’t feel validated in her experience.
A high-value woman will test you…
But not in the way you may think.
Relationships are our greatest mirrors.
This is what makes them so fulfilling. We learn more about ourselves and the other person every day.
And it’s also what can also make them challenging. We’re faced with parts of ourselves we don’t see when we’re single.
This is why you may feel confident as all hell when you’re alone. And as soon as a woman enters your life, you feel like a mess.
You start doubting yourself, wondering if having a relationship is even worth it.
It is worth it.
You are worth having an amazing woman to share laughter and memorable moments with, to exchange affectionate kisses, and to welcome every new beginning together.
I know it’s possible for you because I’ve seen it happen for thousands of other men, like…
💙 Mason, who struggled to overcome his avoidant tendencies in dating, is now in a secure and loving relationship with his dream woman (who he now lives with!).
💙 Adam, who was frustrated that even after doing so much work on himself, he still didn’t have the girl and is now in a relationship with his dream woman.
💙 And Matt, who felt insecure with women and could never attract the woman he actually wanted, is now confidently dating a gorgeous, accomplished woman he never imagined possible.
When you don’t understand how to relate to women it’s because you’re disconnected from your own masculine and feminine energies.
You never learned how to lead the dating process effectively, build connection and attraction, and handle any road bumps along the way.
It’s never too late to learn.
I am fired up and ready to show you how to overcome your limitations in love and get the partnership you’ve always desired.
I’m opening up a limited number of VIP Private Coaching spots that come with a surprise special offer.
We’ll work one-on-one to…
Rewire old dating patterns and stop self-sabotage
Integrate into your healthy masculine energy and cultivate authentic confidence
Build mind-blowing polarity naturally with your dream woman
Understand how to honor and respect the feminine to create an unbreakable bond with her
Apply to be one of the select few who get to work with me privately and claim your special offer.
Until next time!
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© Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved Emily Freeman Coaching
By submitting your information you agree to receive SMS and email notifications from Emily Freeman Coaching, Inc. as seen in our Terms and can opt out of SMS by replying 'stop'.