Practical tips to go from

confused to confident

in your love life

Get one step closer to your dream woman


Practical tips to go from

confused to confident

in your love life

Get one step closer to your dream woman

Previous Issues of The Newsletters

Cover Image for Blog: 5 Ways to Become More Attractive to a High-Value Woman

5 Ways to Become More Attractive to a High-Value Woman, Without Changing Who You Are

March 05, 202411 min read

My fiancé, Mike, and I spent this weekend looking at wedding venues in Sedona. 

After brunch, we decided to go on a hike and explore. 

I love hiking, especially in Sedona. 

My head always becomes clearer and my heart more open.

We were in the middle of our hike and started brainstorming plans for our future. 

We have big goals.

Business and entrepreneurship were one of the first things we bonded over when we started dating. 

Dreaming and building companies to help others live their fullest potential are core values of our relationship that make our life so fulfilling and expansive…

And our connection so strong.  

After riffing back & forth on ideas and giving each other pep talks, we both stopped & looked at each other, smiling. 

He told me I’m his best cheerleader.  

And I said, “We make a great team, babe.”

This is what it’s all about.

All the dates, all the “no’s”, all the introspection are worth it for a partnership like this. 

Your dream woman is out there. 

I believe you were put on this earth with a desire for an extraordinary love because you’re meant to have it.

You just have parts of yourself you need to love deeper…

Thoughts you need to become aware of…

And patterns you need to break…

In order to have what you’ve always desired. 

Three weeks before matching with me on Bumble, Mike made a list of everything he wanted in his dream woman.

It was a powerful intention.

But it wasn’t just a list that manifested our partnership.  

It was the years of self-development and healing that prepared him to lead and love me. 

He decided to do the work to align himself with his dream woman. 

And you can too. 

I will show you how to become an energetic match for the supportive, nurturing, fun, and self-aware woman who will enhance your life.

Who will become your best friend and cheerleader. 

I have one spot available in my high-touch, customized VIP Private Coaching Program.

With daily access to me, we’ll uncover what’s been holding you back in dating, transcend your dating blocks, and build authentic confidence with high-value women so you can attract your dream woman. 

If you’re ready to uplevel your dating life and get everything you desire in love, apply now to see if we’re a good fit for coaching!

Apply for Private Coaching Emily Freeman

5 Ways to Become More Attractive to a High-Value Woman, Without Changing Who You Are

High-value women are confident, introspective, emotionally available, sweet, fun, and alluring. It’s what makes them such great partners. 

They know their worth and are looking for a man who will lift them up, create safety and stability, and bring joy into their lives. 

When you know who you are and what you want, and unapologetically go after it, you grab a high-value woman’s attention.   

It sounds great in theory. 

But with so many different messages out there about what that means and what women are looking for, dating can feel confusing for men. 

It can feel like all the pressure is on you to lead and pursue. 

This makes a lot of men give up on the very thing they desire the most – a fulfilling, lasting relationship with their dream woman. 

I see many men hide who they are, feel insecure, and give up on dating because they believe they have to be someone other than themselves to get the woman of their dreams. 

You don’t. 

But when you have limiting beliefs telling you you’re not good enough, it’s impossible to be your authentic self with a high-value woman.

Instead, you’re showing up in your wounding. 

Your wounding is why you overthink the dating process, chase after unavailable women, second-guess everything you say and do, and/or find a reason to leave as soon as she gets close.

You can’t build polarity and connection because you’re leading from scarcity and fear.

When you lead from love and abundance, attraction grows.

So what does this look like in practice?

These are five ways to become more attractive to a high-value woman, without changing who you are!

1. Develop self-awareness

A high-value woman is empowered to create an amazing life because she knows and loves herself. She is looking for a man who also prioritizes his self-development. 

She knows a man who’s aware of his strengths and areas of improvement can make a great partner. He’s able to identify his thoughts and understand how they affect his emotions and behaviors. It's what allows him to be empathetic and compassionate and an effective communicator. 

She’ll notice your level of self-awareness in the way you answer her questions. When you’re honest about who you are and what you want, she sees you have the confidence to lead the relationship forward. 

Asking thoughtful questions that inspire her to open up also shows direction and intention. This allows her to relax into her feminine energy where she can open her heart and be flirtatious and playful with her. 

It’s also important to speak your truth. When you tell her what you think she wants to hear, it doesn’t feel genuine. When you respect her opinions and desires while also honoring yours, trust builds.

For example, if she shares a point of view you don’t agree with, validate her truth by saying, “I hear you feel like ___________. That’s interesting. I’m curious why you feel that way.”

Then, let her share some more. 

When she’s done sharing you can say, “Oh so _____ is the reason you feel that way. I can see why you have that belief. I have a different view I’d love to share.”

Then, you can share your truth. 

This is how you stay in integrity while accepting her for who she is. This is how polarity and trust build!

2. Take ownership of your healing 

A high-value woman craves intimacy. She wants to be able to share experiences, ideas, and eventually a life with you. None of these can be accomplished without first taking ownership of your healing. 

Taking ownership of your healing includes identifying your triggers in dating, understanding where they came from, and continuing to do the work to align with what you want to create. 

For example, if you text a woman when you worry she's losing interest or to fish for praise, she can sense it. 

Instead of texting her when you feel uneasy, use this opportunity to heal. 

Ask yourself – What thoughts am I thinking that are creating insecurity? What am I afraid of happening? What feelings am I afraid of having?

Acknowledging these thoughts and fears is the first step to healing. The next step is to shift your focus to what you do want and create new beliefs and actions that align with this vision. This is the deep work we do in Masculine in Love to rewire your subconscious and help you become an energetic match for a high-value woman. 

Remember: Your strength is not defined by your lack of emotions. It’s defined by your ability to face and regulate them. 

Taking ownership of your healing allows you to build a connection without needing her affirmation. 

When you focus on getting to know her, experiencing things together, and having fun, she will want to show you her appreciation and get closer to you. She’ll give you genuine compliments, reciprocate physical touch, and prioritize spending time with you.  

3. Honor her freedom

A high-value woman is not afraid of commitment. Honoring her freedom does not mean she gets to do or say whatever she wants or be half committed to the partnership. It’s allowing her to be herself and tend to her own needs so she can be an amazing partner to you. 

Be respectful of her boundaries, give her space when she needs it, and do not try to control or manipulate her behavior. This shows her you value her as a person and respect her autonomy.

For example, if she chooses to do Yoga over weightlifting as her form of exericse, honor her decision. It’s important to allow her to take care of her body the way that feels best to her without projecting your own beliefs about health and wellness. 

If you feel like you can help her improve in areas of her life, start by asking her questions about how and why she makes certain choices.

This will give you insight into her values. It also gives you the space to express your feelings, knowledge, and opinions in a safe and healthy way that brings you closer together. 

4. Speak from your desires

A high-value man is not afraid to talk about his desires. He is clear on what he wants and is able to be assertive. 

An assertive man feels safe to a high-value woman because she can trust he knows how to take care of himself.

When you are able to effectively communicate strong boundaries, she doesn’t feel like she has to guess your needs. This gives her a clear roadmap to becoming a great partner to you. And empowers her to do so. 

For example, if you made plans with her and she continues to cancel last minute, it's important to let her know how this makes you feel. 

You can ask her, "Hey, I've noticed a pattern where you tend to cancel our plans last minute. I'd love to try and find another time to take you out, but I'd like to know you won't cancel again. My calendar is busy so it makes it hard to plan when our plans keep changing."

Remember: Boundaries are meant to create more intimacy, not block it. It’s important to learn the difference between having strong boundaries and walls. 

Walls will keep her at a distance. Boundaries bring you closer together. 

Speaking from your desires is also important for flirting. 

Flirting is communicating your desires indirectly while being assertive, playful, and romantic. 

When you compliment a woman, you're telling her "I'm enjoying being with you."

When you tease a woman, you're telling her, "I like when we're playful together."

And when you escalate physical touch, you're telling her, "I want to be closer to you."

5. Stop trying to be perfect

High-performing men often have a subconscious desire to achieve love. They become more attracted to the chase versus the woman herself. This creates a cycle of chasing after emotionally unavailable women or losing interest as soon as a woman gets close. 

When you subconsciously try to achieve love you feel like you have to be perfect. But perfection never allows for connection.

When you try to be perfect, you focus on your “flaws” instead of your strengths. You will overanalyze everything you say and do instead of focusing on getting to know her. 

Everything will feel like a performance. 

When you stop trying to be perfect, you relax and can be yourself. This is the only way to create a solid foundation for a lasting and fulfilling relationship. She has the chance to get to know and fall in love with the real you.

It all sounds great in theory. 

You read this article and others like it and think, yes I got it.

But every time you meet a woman you’re into…

Something shifts. 

The confident man you are in other areas of your life disappears. 

It’s like you can’t help it. 

If you can’t get past the first few dates…

Are afraid of getting hurt again or choosing the wrong woman and losing your freedom…

It’s because what you consciously desire is at odds with what you subconsciously fear. 

This is why it feels like no matter what you do, you push away the woman you want the most.

This internal conflict of desiring partnership and subconsciously pushing it away can be extremely painful and confusing. 

When your conscious desires and subconscious fears are working against each other…

The healthy, expansive, sensual relationship you desire will continue to slip through your fingers. 

This is why you can study all the dating tips and understand what creates a great partnership, but never be able to create it for yourself. 

When we work together, I don’t just teach you how to date. 

I show you how to become your most confident self in dating.

Emily Freeman Coaching Blog Newsletter Article about 5 Ways to become more attractive to a high value woman without changing who you are

We will identify and reprogram your subconscious blocks so you can… 

  • Integrate into your masculine energy to create lasting polarity 

  • Show up authentically confident without rules and games 

  • Communicate effectively and set boundaries

  • Genuinely connect with a high-value woman and create deeper, more sensual intimacy 

  • Attract an emotionally available woman who will enhance your life 

And finally cultivate a conscious and expansive relationship with your dream woman. ❤️

Today, you get to make the decision to stop the cycle and get everything you desire in love.

I have two opportunities to transform your love life. 

My latest course, Masculine in Love™, is a 12-week self-guided program that will teach you how to transcend your subconscious blocks and build authentic confidence dating high-value women so you can get everything you desire in love. Start your transformation here

I also have two VIP Private Coaching spots available if you want to accelerate your progress in a high-touch, customized program. With daily access to me, I will be with you every step of the way to overcome what’s holding you back in dating so you can attract your dream woman. Apply now to see if we’re a good fit for coaching here!

This work has already helped hundreds of men transform their dating lives. 

Now it’s your turn. 

I can’t wait to get started!

Emily Freeman Coaching Email Signature

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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Previous Issues of The Newsletters

Cover Image for Blog: 5 Ways to Become More Attractive to a High-Value Woman

5 Ways to Become More Attractive to a High-Value Woman, Without Changing Who You Are

March 05, 202411 min read

My fiancé, Mike, and I spent this weekend looking at wedding venues in Sedona. 

After brunch, we decided to go on a hike and explore. 

I love hiking, especially in Sedona. 

My head always becomes clearer and my heart more open.

We were in the middle of our hike and started brainstorming plans for our future. 

We have big goals.

Business and entrepreneurship were one of the first things we bonded over when we started dating. 

Dreaming and building companies to help others live their fullest potential are core values of our relationship that make our life so fulfilling and expansive…

And our connection so strong.  

After riffing back & forth on ideas and giving each other pep talks, we both stopped & looked at each other, smiling. 

He told me I’m his best cheerleader.  

And I said, “We make a great team, babe.”

This is what it’s all about.

All the dates, all the “no’s”, all the introspection are worth it for a partnership like this. 

Your dream woman is out there. 

I believe you were put on this earth with a desire for an extraordinary love because you’re meant to have it.

You just have parts of yourself you need to love deeper…

Thoughts you need to become aware of…

And patterns you need to break…

In order to have what you’ve always desired. 

Three weeks before matching with me on Bumble, Mike made a list of everything he wanted in his dream woman.

It was a powerful intention.

But it wasn’t just a list that manifested our partnership.  

It was the years of self-development and healing that prepared him to lead and love me. 

He decided to do the work to align himself with his dream woman. 

And you can too. 

I will show you how to become an energetic match for the supportive, nurturing, fun, and self-aware woman who will enhance your life.

Who will become your best friend and cheerleader. 

I have one spot available in my high-touch, customized VIP Private Coaching Program.

With daily access to me, we’ll uncover what’s been holding you back in dating, transcend your dating blocks, and build authentic confidence with high-value women so you can attract your dream woman. 

If you’re ready to uplevel your dating life and get everything you desire in love, apply now to see if we’re a good fit for coaching!

Apply for Private Coaching Emily Freeman

5 Ways to Become More Attractive to a High-Value Woman, Without Changing Who You Are

High-value women are confident, introspective, emotionally available, sweet, fun, and alluring. It’s what makes them such great partners. 

They know their worth and are looking for a man who will lift them up, create safety and stability, and bring joy into their lives. 

When you know who you are and what you want, and unapologetically go after it, you grab a high-value woman’s attention.   

It sounds great in theory. 

But with so many different messages out there about what that means and what women are looking for, dating can feel confusing for men. 

It can feel like all the pressure is on you to lead and pursue. 

This makes a lot of men give up on the very thing they desire the most – a fulfilling, lasting relationship with their dream woman. 

I see many men hide who they are, feel insecure, and give up on dating because they believe they have to be someone other than themselves to get the woman of their dreams. 

You don’t. 

But when you have limiting beliefs telling you you’re not good enough, it’s impossible to be your authentic self with a high-value woman.

Instead, you’re showing up in your wounding. 

Your wounding is why you overthink the dating process, chase after unavailable women, second-guess everything you say and do, and/or find a reason to leave as soon as she gets close.

You can’t build polarity and connection because you’re leading from scarcity and fear.

When you lead from love and abundance, attraction grows.

So what does this look like in practice?

These are five ways to become more attractive to a high-value woman, without changing who you are!

1. Develop self-awareness

A high-value woman is empowered to create an amazing life because she knows and loves herself. She is looking for a man who also prioritizes his self-development. 

She knows a man who’s aware of his strengths and areas of improvement can make a great partner. He’s able to identify his thoughts and understand how they affect his emotions and behaviors. It's what allows him to be empathetic and compassionate and an effective communicator. 

She’ll notice your level of self-awareness in the way you answer her questions. When you’re honest about who you are and what you want, she sees you have the confidence to lead the relationship forward. 

Asking thoughtful questions that inspire her to open up also shows direction and intention. This allows her to relax into her feminine energy where she can open her heart and be flirtatious and playful with her. 

It’s also important to speak your truth. When you tell her what you think she wants to hear, it doesn’t feel genuine. When you respect her opinions and desires while also honoring yours, trust builds.

For example, if she shares a point of view you don’t agree with, validate her truth by saying, “I hear you feel like ___________. That’s interesting. I’m curious why you feel that way.”

Then, let her share some more. 

When she’s done sharing you can say, “Oh so _____ is the reason you feel that way. I can see why you have that belief. I have a different view I’d love to share.”

Then, you can share your truth. 

This is how you stay in integrity while accepting her for who she is. This is how polarity and trust build!

2. Take ownership of your healing 

A high-value woman craves intimacy. She wants to be able to share experiences, ideas, and eventually a life with you. None of these can be accomplished without first taking ownership of your healing. 

Taking ownership of your healing includes identifying your triggers in dating, understanding where they came from, and continuing to do the work to align with what you want to create. 

For example, if you text a woman when you worry she's losing interest or to fish for praise, she can sense it. 

Instead of texting her when you feel uneasy, use this opportunity to heal. 

Ask yourself – What thoughts am I thinking that are creating insecurity? What am I afraid of happening? What feelings am I afraid of having?

Acknowledging these thoughts and fears is the first step to healing. The next step is to shift your focus to what you do want and create new beliefs and actions that align with this vision. This is the deep work we do in Masculine in Love to rewire your subconscious and help you become an energetic match for a high-value woman. 

Remember: Your strength is not defined by your lack of emotions. It’s defined by your ability to face and regulate them. 

Taking ownership of your healing allows you to build a connection without needing her affirmation. 

When you focus on getting to know her, experiencing things together, and having fun, she will want to show you her appreciation and get closer to you. She’ll give you genuine compliments, reciprocate physical touch, and prioritize spending time with you.  

3. Honor her freedom

A high-value woman is not afraid of commitment. Honoring her freedom does not mean she gets to do or say whatever she wants or be half committed to the partnership. It’s allowing her to be herself and tend to her own needs so she can be an amazing partner to you. 

Be respectful of her boundaries, give her space when she needs it, and do not try to control or manipulate her behavior. This shows her you value her as a person and respect her autonomy.

For example, if she chooses to do Yoga over weightlifting as her form of exericse, honor her decision. It’s important to allow her to take care of her body the way that feels best to her without projecting your own beliefs about health and wellness. 

If you feel like you can help her improve in areas of her life, start by asking her questions about how and why she makes certain choices.

This will give you insight into her values. It also gives you the space to express your feelings, knowledge, and opinions in a safe and healthy way that brings you closer together. 

4. Speak from your desires

A high-value man is not afraid to talk about his desires. He is clear on what he wants and is able to be assertive. 

An assertive man feels safe to a high-value woman because she can trust he knows how to take care of himself.

When you are able to effectively communicate strong boundaries, she doesn’t feel like she has to guess your needs. This gives her a clear roadmap to becoming a great partner to you. And empowers her to do so. 

For example, if you made plans with her and she continues to cancel last minute, it's important to let her know how this makes you feel. 

You can ask her, "Hey, I've noticed a pattern where you tend to cancel our plans last minute. I'd love to try and find another time to take you out, but I'd like to know you won't cancel again. My calendar is busy so it makes it hard to plan when our plans keep changing."

Remember: Boundaries are meant to create more intimacy, not block it. It’s important to learn the difference between having strong boundaries and walls. 

Walls will keep her at a distance. Boundaries bring you closer together. 

Speaking from your desires is also important for flirting. 

Flirting is communicating your desires indirectly while being assertive, playful, and romantic. 

When you compliment a woman, you're telling her "I'm enjoying being with you."

When you tease a woman, you're telling her, "I like when we're playful together."

And when you escalate physical touch, you're telling her, "I want to be closer to you."

5. Stop trying to be perfect

High-performing men often have a subconscious desire to achieve love. They become more attracted to the chase versus the woman herself. This creates a cycle of chasing after emotionally unavailable women or losing interest as soon as a woman gets close. 

When you subconsciously try to achieve love you feel like you have to be perfect. But perfection never allows for connection.

When you try to be perfect, you focus on your “flaws” instead of your strengths. You will overanalyze everything you say and do instead of focusing on getting to know her. 

Everything will feel like a performance. 

When you stop trying to be perfect, you relax and can be yourself. This is the only way to create a solid foundation for a lasting and fulfilling relationship. She has the chance to get to know and fall in love with the real you.

It all sounds great in theory. 

You read this article and others like it and think, yes I got it.

But every time you meet a woman you’re into…

Something shifts. 

The confident man you are in other areas of your life disappears. 

It’s like you can’t help it. 

If you can’t get past the first few dates…

Are afraid of getting hurt again or choosing the wrong woman and losing your freedom…

It’s because what you consciously desire is at odds with what you subconsciously fear. 

This is why it feels like no matter what you do, you push away the woman you want the most.

This internal conflict of desiring partnership and subconsciously pushing it away can be extremely painful and confusing. 

When your conscious desires and subconscious fears are working against each other…

The healthy, expansive, sensual relationship you desire will continue to slip through your fingers. 

This is why you can study all the dating tips and understand what creates a great partnership, but never be able to create it for yourself. 

When we work together, I don’t just teach you how to date. 

I show you how to become your most confident self in dating.

Emily Freeman Coaching Blog Newsletter Article about 5 Ways to become more attractive to a high value woman without changing who you are

We will identify and reprogram your subconscious blocks so you can… 

  • Integrate into your masculine energy to create lasting polarity 

  • Show up authentically confident without rules and games 

  • Communicate effectively and set boundaries

  • Genuinely connect with a high-value woman and create deeper, more sensual intimacy 

  • Attract an emotionally available woman who will enhance your life 

And finally cultivate a conscious and expansive relationship with your dream woman. ❤️

Today, you get to make the decision to stop the cycle and get everything you desire in love.

I have two opportunities to transform your love life. 

My latest course, Masculine in Love™, is a 12-week self-guided program that will teach you how to transcend your subconscious blocks and build authentic confidence dating high-value women so you can get everything you desire in love. Start your transformation here

I also have two VIP Private Coaching spots available if you want to accelerate your progress in a high-touch, customized program. With daily access to me, I will be with you every step of the way to overcome what’s holding you back in dating so you can attract your dream woman. Apply now to see if we’re a good fit for coaching here!

This work has already helped hundreds of men transform their dating lives. 

Now it’s your turn. 

I can’t wait to get started!

Emily Freeman Coaching Email Signature

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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By submitting your information you agree to receive SMS and email notifications from Emily Freeman Coaching, Inc. as seen in our Terms and can opt out of SMS by replying 'stop'.