Practical tips to go from

confused to confident

in your love life

Get one step closer to your dream woman


Practical tips to go from

confused to confident

in your love life

Get one step closer to your dream woman

Previous Issues of The Newsletters

Emily Freeman Coaching Blog 5 Reasons a High-Value Woman Will Pull Away

5 Reasons a High-Value Woman Will Pull Away

January 25, 20245 min read

I remember how into him I was.

It was exciting to think I had finally found a great guy.

But then something shifted. 

He kept prying about how I was feeling about him…

Would get closer to me…

And then pull away. 

I could tell he was feeling insecure. 

Which I could relate to. 

I had my own insecurities in dating.

So I did my best to reassure him…

Ask him what he needed…

And give him the benefit of the doubt. 

I really wanted the confident, grounded guy I met a few weeks prior to come back. 

But he never did. 

A high-value woman wants love as much as you do. 

And she puts in the effort to cultivate it. 

She doesn’t expect perfection…

She wants connection.

But when you’re stuck in your head…

Overthinking and second-guessing…

She doesn’t feel safe opening up to you. 

She matches your energy…

And starts to feel conflicted. 

These are five reasons a high-value woman will pull away. 

5 Reasons a High-Value Woman Will Pull Away

1. You relied on her to lead the dating process 

A high-value woman who’s into you will reciprocate your interest. She’ll text you back enthusiastically and accept date requests. She’ll show you gratitude and respect. 

If you rely on her to lead the dating process, she’s going to question your intentions.

She wants to know that you’re invested in getting to know her. Initiating communication, escalating physical touch, inviting her to open up, planning dates, and moving the relationship forward show her you know what you want and have the confidence to go after it.

2. You acted inconsistently 

If you have a subconscious fear of rejection, you can feel all in one day and like you want to cut it off the next. 

When you are always searching for signs she’s losing interest, you’ll find them. 

Oftentimes, they aren’t real. 

Your thoughts create your reality. 

You will convince yourself that if she’s busy one night, she’s pulling away or if she hasn’t slept with you yet, she’s not that into you. 

When in reality, she has strong boundaries because she’s confident. 

Closeness builds, when you’re able to respect her boundaries without taking them personally. 

3. You weren’t willing to compromise

A high-value woman wants a man who’s decisive and self-assured. 

But relationships still require compromise. 

If she has a different opinion from you, you don’t need to change yours. But she does need to know you respect hers. 

Many women have experienced unhealthy masculine energy that’s controlling and aloof. If she feels unheard, her guard will go up. 

When you’ve integrated into your healthy masculine energy, you can honor her experience while having solid boundaries. 

She’ll feel safe expressing herself and getting more intimate with you. 

4. You shut down

A high-value woman can sense your energy. And she will mirror it. 

If you pull away because you’re afraid of getting hurt or misread her signals, she will too. 

The only way to create connection and build attraction with a high-value woman is to stay consistent. 

This doesn’t mean you need to blow up her phone every day. She wants to be a priority, not the only one. 

But it does mean you need to stay consistent in who you are, how you show up, and the way you treat her. 

5. You focused more on her experience than yours

A high-value man is deliberate about how he spends his time, energy, and money. 

When you try and guess what will make her happy, your energy shifts. 

You start second-guessing yourself…

Overthinking plans…

And trying to read her behavior. 

You should be checking in with yourself. 

Asking yourself the important questions about what you need to know about her, experience with her, and feel for her to move forward. 

I see a lot of men meet a beautiful woman and ignore their own desires. They try to fit into a box they think she wants them to be in.

But this box is a projection. It’s not real. 

And it disconnects you from your confidence. 

It’s impossible to lead and build polarity without clarity. 

You have to get clear on the type of partnership you want and the type of woman you want it with…

Before you meet her. 

And you can only do this once you understand how you’re holding yourself back. 

Otherwise, you’ll be leading from fear, not desire. 

And attract women who do the same. 

These patterns are not you.

Emily Freeman Coaching Blog 5 Reasons Why a High-Value Women Will Pull Away

They are byproducts of your programming.

And they’re disconnecting you from the conscious, exciting partnership you desire. 

When you rewire your subconscious programming and release your limiting beliefs…

You can lead confidently in dating…

Build lasting polarity with a high-value woman…

Increase her desire for closeness…

And fully receive her unbreakable loyalty, respect, and love. 

The partnership of your dreams is within reach. 

But you have to go after it.

You have to invest in creating deeper self-awareness…

Becoming emotionally available…

Developing effective communication skills…

Staying accountable to making changes…

Getting energetically aligned with your dream woman…

And cultivating a dating experience she craves more of. 

It doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. 

Emily Freeman Coaching Blog

I created a blueprint to guide you through the dating process and attract your dream woman. 

Masculine in Love is my 12-week course that helps you develop unbreakable confidence in dating and create the connected and energizing partnership you've always wanted. 

It’s built on the mindset principles and dating concepts that have already helped hundreds of men experience love like never before. 

And now it’s your turn! 

The only difference between you and these men is a set of tools to attract a beautiful, supportive, driven, and secure woman to build a relationship with. 

And it's at your fingertips. 

She’s waiting for you.

And I won’t let you make her wait any longer.

Masculine in Love, Emily Freeman Coaching

Until next time!

Emily Freeman Coaching Signature
It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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Previous Issues of The Newsletters

Emily Freeman Coaching Blog 5 Reasons a High-Value Woman Will Pull Away

5 Reasons a High-Value Woman Will Pull Away

January 25, 20245 min read

I remember how into him I was.

It was exciting to think I had finally found a great guy.

But then something shifted. 

He kept prying about how I was feeling about him…

Would get closer to me…

And then pull away. 

I could tell he was feeling insecure. 

Which I could relate to. 

I had my own insecurities in dating.

So I did my best to reassure him…

Ask him what he needed…

And give him the benefit of the doubt. 

I really wanted the confident, grounded guy I met a few weeks prior to come back. 

But he never did. 

A high-value woman wants love as much as you do. 

And she puts in the effort to cultivate it. 

She doesn’t expect perfection…

She wants connection.

But when you’re stuck in your head…

Overthinking and second-guessing…

She doesn’t feel safe opening up to you. 

She matches your energy…

And starts to feel conflicted. 

These are five reasons a high-value woman will pull away. 

5 Reasons a High-Value Woman Will Pull Away

1. You relied on her to lead the dating process 

A high-value woman who’s into you will reciprocate your interest. She’ll text you back enthusiastically and accept date requests. She’ll show you gratitude and respect. 

If you rely on her to lead the dating process, she’s going to question your intentions.

She wants to know that you’re invested in getting to know her. Initiating communication, escalating physical touch, inviting her to open up, planning dates, and moving the relationship forward show her you know what you want and have the confidence to go after it.

2. You acted inconsistently 

If you have a subconscious fear of rejection, you can feel all in one day and like you want to cut it off the next. 

When you are always searching for signs she’s losing interest, you’ll find them. 

Oftentimes, they aren’t real. 

Your thoughts create your reality. 

You will convince yourself that if she’s busy one night, she’s pulling away or if she hasn’t slept with you yet, she’s not that into you. 

When in reality, she has strong boundaries because she’s confident. 

Closeness builds, when you’re able to respect her boundaries without taking them personally. 

3. You weren’t willing to compromise

A high-value woman wants a man who’s decisive and self-assured. 

But relationships still require compromise. 

If she has a different opinion from you, you don’t need to change yours. But she does need to know you respect hers. 

Many women have experienced unhealthy masculine energy that’s controlling and aloof. If she feels unheard, her guard will go up. 

When you’ve integrated into your healthy masculine energy, you can honor her experience while having solid boundaries. 

She’ll feel safe expressing herself and getting more intimate with you. 

4. You shut down

A high-value woman can sense your energy. And she will mirror it. 

If you pull away because you’re afraid of getting hurt or misread her signals, she will too. 

The only way to create connection and build attraction with a high-value woman is to stay consistent. 

This doesn’t mean you need to blow up her phone every day. She wants to be a priority, not the only one. 

But it does mean you need to stay consistent in who you are, how you show up, and the way you treat her. 

5. You focused more on her experience than yours

A high-value man is deliberate about how he spends his time, energy, and money. 

When you try and guess what will make her happy, your energy shifts. 

You start second-guessing yourself…

Overthinking plans…

And trying to read her behavior. 

You should be checking in with yourself. 

Asking yourself the important questions about what you need to know about her, experience with her, and feel for her to move forward. 

I see a lot of men meet a beautiful woman and ignore their own desires. They try to fit into a box they think she wants them to be in.

But this box is a projection. It’s not real. 

And it disconnects you from your confidence. 

It’s impossible to lead and build polarity without clarity. 

You have to get clear on the type of partnership you want and the type of woman you want it with…

Before you meet her. 

And you can only do this once you understand how you’re holding yourself back. 

Otherwise, you’ll be leading from fear, not desire. 

And attract women who do the same. 

These patterns are not you.

Emily Freeman Coaching Blog 5 Reasons Why a High-Value Women Will Pull Away

They are byproducts of your programming.

And they’re disconnecting you from the conscious, exciting partnership you desire. 

When you rewire your subconscious programming and release your limiting beliefs…

You can lead confidently in dating…

Build lasting polarity with a high-value woman…

Increase her desire for closeness…

And fully receive her unbreakable loyalty, respect, and love. 

The partnership of your dreams is within reach. 

But you have to go after it.

You have to invest in creating deeper self-awareness…

Becoming emotionally available…

Developing effective communication skills…

Staying accountable to making changes…

Getting energetically aligned with your dream woman…

And cultivating a dating experience she craves more of. 

It doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. 

Emily Freeman Coaching Blog

I created a blueprint to guide you through the dating process and attract your dream woman. 

Masculine in Love is my 12-week course that helps you develop unbreakable confidence in dating and create the connected and energizing partnership you've always wanted. 

It’s built on the mindset principles and dating concepts that have already helped hundreds of men experience love like never before. 

And now it’s your turn! 

The only difference between you and these men is a set of tools to attract a beautiful, supportive, driven, and secure woman to build a relationship with. 

And it's at your fingertips. 

She’s waiting for you.

And I won’t let you make her wait any longer.

Masculine in Love, Emily Freeman Coaching

Until next time!

Emily Freeman Coaching Signature
It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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