Practical tips to go from

confused to confident

in your love life

Get one step closer to your dream woman


Practical tips to go from

confused to confident

in your love life

Get one step closer to your dream woman

Previous Issues of The Newsletters

The shift that magnetizes your dream woman to you

The Shift That Magnetizes Your Dream Woman to You

August 14, 20246 min read

If you want to attract your dream woman, you have to stop trying to impress the ladies.

This doesn’t mean you don’t take a woman you’re into out on nice dates, create consistent communication, or show interest in genuinely getting to know her.

It also doesn’t mean you need to pretend you don’t care (that’s just a passive-aggressive way of trying to impress her).

As a driven guy, you are subconsciously wired to try and impress a woman.

This is why you see other guys get their dream woman who have accomplished half the amount you have.

It’s not because these men don’t treat women well, and that’s what women are attracted to (it’s very much the opposite!).

Rather, it’s because these men aren’t subconsciously programmed to believe that love is an achievement.

You are.

Which is why you get stuck in impressing energy.

You don’t have to show up to a date with a horse and carriage or promise to take her on a vacation to be in impressing energy.

There are more subtle ways it’s throwing off polarity, like…

  • Second-guessing what to say or do with women you’re into (holding yourself to high standards is a blessing and a curse, am I right?)

  • Leading with your accomplishments versus your desires (a date should never feel like an interview, in the types of questions you ask, or the types of answers you give)

  • Overinvesting and coming on too strong as soon as you think she may be the one (you’re really just falling for the story you have about her)

  • Pulling away at any signs she might be losing interest (a shorter text does not mean she’s rejecting you)

And the longer this cycle goes on, the more intense the symptoms get.

You go from nervous to totally anxious with high-value women…

You go from having fun on dates to overthinking every detail of planning…

You go from excited about finding love to questioning if it will ever happen for you…

And you go from thinking women will notice how great you are just by being you to trying to win them over.

You can feel confident with high-value women like you can crush a board meeting or a sales call.

What we need to do is swap impressing energy for leadership energy.

Leadership energy tells a woman you know what you want and have the confidence to go after it.

It’s what makes her want to stand beside you through thick and thin, knowing she can depend on you.

It’s what makes her respect you to her core and celebrate you for just being you (no accomplishments needed).

There’s a simple process that can take you from impressing energy to leadership energy.

And today is your lucky day because I’m sharing a nugget that will help you take action and become the version of yourself who feels confident leading the dating process.

The Shift That Magnetizes Your Dream Woman to You

If you’re anything like my clients, you’re picky about who you date and especially who you commit to.

The problem happens when you finally meet a woman who checks all your boxes, you no longer feel confident.

You feel unsure because you don’t have clarity.

I know it sounds counterintuitive. If you’re picky, isn’t it because you know what you want?

The problem is that you’re only clear on the parts of your dating life that don’t help you lead effectively – like the things about your ex you didn’t like or what hurt you in the past.

You need clarity on the type of partnership you want to create and the type of woman you need to create it with.

Most men only define the surface-level qualities and traits they want in a woman.

They neglect to define the values of their dream woman.

Values are the why behind a woman’s traits or qualities.

For example, if you want a woman who takes care of her body and exercises, just knowing if a woman has a workout routine tells you very little about who she actually is.

Her why for working out tells you much more.

Does she exercise to maintain her figure? Does she go for her mental health? Or does she go becuase she wants to live a long life?

It may be a combination of all of these.

But you would never know if you don’t define the values you’re looking for.

Until you have clarity on the values your dream woman needs to have to fulfill your vision, you’ll never know the right questions to ask her or how to observe her actions.

When you don’t know how to qualify a woman, you stop leading and end up falling for the story you have about her, not who she really is.

And when you’re a high-achiever, creating fantasies of who you want this woman to be is easy because your intellect is sharp.

Your fantasy of who you think she is combined with your subconscious belief that love is an achievement sends you straight into impressing energy.

You need a system to create clarity and step into leadership energy.

And that’s exactly what you’ll get when you join the Confident Man Accelerator.

Inside this program, you’ll get:

- The Dream Woman Discovery System to get crystal clear clarity that magnetizes high-value women (without needing to try and impress her) ❤️‍🔥

- The powerful subconscious shifts that make building attraction with high-value women natural (without games or tactics) ⚡

- Exactly what to change in your attraction blueprint so you can become the version of yourself who effortlessly leads the dating process (and gets the woman!) 🥂

This isn’t your average dating course.

We’re not going to cover up your insecurities with tactics and games. The very nature of trying to be someone you’re not only makes you feel more insecure.

Instead, you’re going to experience the profound shift of becoming authentically confident with your dream woman.

And right now it's only $497 to join!

I know you’re ready to stop performing, get off the dating merry-go-round, and build a genuine and lasting connection with her.

Want the goods?

I'm ready for my dream woman!

And, if you’re looking for more personalized guidance to accelerate your results and attract her even quicker, let's find out if we're a good fit for VIP Private Coaching.

When you become a VIP, you get hands-on guidance to understand how to meet, attract, and successfully date your dream woman for a lasting partnership.

Whether you're healing from a breakup or a divorce or have been single for decades, I quickly get to the root of your dating roadblocks so there's nothing holding you back from getting everything you desire in love.

Apply now to see if we’re a good fit for one-on-one mentorship.

I want to be a VIP

Let's go get her!

Emily Freeman Coaching Signature

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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Previous Issues of The Newsletters

The shift that magnetizes your dream woman to you

The Shift That Magnetizes Your Dream Woman to You

August 14, 20246 min read

If you want to attract your dream woman, you have to stop trying to impress the ladies.

This doesn’t mean you don’t take a woman you’re into out on nice dates, create consistent communication, or show interest in genuinely getting to know her.

It also doesn’t mean you need to pretend you don’t care (that’s just a passive-aggressive way of trying to impress her).

As a driven guy, you are subconsciously wired to try and impress a woman.

This is why you see other guys get their dream woman who have accomplished half the amount you have.

It’s not because these men don’t treat women well, and that’s what women are attracted to (it’s very much the opposite!).

Rather, it’s because these men aren’t subconsciously programmed to believe that love is an achievement.

You are.

Which is why you get stuck in impressing energy.

You don’t have to show up to a date with a horse and carriage or promise to take her on a vacation to be in impressing energy.

There are more subtle ways it’s throwing off polarity, like…

  • Second-guessing what to say or do with women you’re into (holding yourself to high standards is a blessing and a curse, am I right?)

  • Leading with your accomplishments versus your desires (a date should never feel like an interview, in the types of questions you ask, or the types of answers you give)

  • Overinvesting and coming on too strong as soon as you think she may be the one (you’re really just falling for the story you have about her)

  • Pulling away at any signs she might be losing interest (a shorter text does not mean she’s rejecting you)

And the longer this cycle goes on, the more intense the symptoms get.

You go from nervous to totally anxious with high-value women…

You go from having fun on dates to overthinking every detail of planning…

You go from excited about finding love to questioning if it will ever happen for you…

And you go from thinking women will notice how great you are just by being you to trying to win them over.

You can feel confident with high-value women like you can crush a board meeting or a sales call.

What we need to do is swap impressing energy for leadership energy.

Leadership energy tells a woman you know what you want and have the confidence to go after it.

It’s what makes her want to stand beside you through thick and thin, knowing she can depend on you.

It’s what makes her respect you to her core and celebrate you for just being you (no accomplishments needed).

There’s a simple process that can take you from impressing energy to leadership energy.

And today is your lucky day because I’m sharing a nugget that will help you take action and become the version of yourself who feels confident leading the dating process.

The Shift That Magnetizes Your Dream Woman to You

If you’re anything like my clients, you’re picky about who you date and especially who you commit to.

The problem happens when you finally meet a woman who checks all your boxes, you no longer feel confident.

You feel unsure because you don’t have clarity.

I know it sounds counterintuitive. If you’re picky, isn’t it because you know what you want?

The problem is that you’re only clear on the parts of your dating life that don’t help you lead effectively – like the things about your ex you didn’t like or what hurt you in the past.

You need clarity on the type of partnership you want to create and the type of woman you need to create it with.

Most men only define the surface-level qualities and traits they want in a woman.

They neglect to define the values of their dream woman.

Values are the why behind a woman’s traits or qualities.

For example, if you want a woman who takes care of her body and exercises, just knowing if a woman has a workout routine tells you very little about who she actually is.

Her why for working out tells you much more.

Does she exercise to maintain her figure? Does she go for her mental health? Or does she go becuase she wants to live a long life?

It may be a combination of all of these.

But you would never know if you don’t define the values you’re looking for.

Until you have clarity on the values your dream woman needs to have to fulfill your vision, you’ll never know the right questions to ask her or how to observe her actions.

When you don’t know how to qualify a woman, you stop leading and end up falling for the story you have about her, not who she really is.

And when you’re a high-achiever, creating fantasies of who you want this woman to be is easy because your intellect is sharp.

Your fantasy of who you think she is combined with your subconscious belief that love is an achievement sends you straight into impressing energy.

You need a system to create clarity and step into leadership energy.

And that’s exactly what you’ll get when you join the Confident Man Accelerator.

Inside this program, you’ll get:

- The Dream Woman Discovery System to get crystal clear clarity that magnetizes high-value women (without needing to try and impress her) ❤️‍🔥

- The powerful subconscious shifts that make building attraction with high-value women natural (without games or tactics) ⚡

- Exactly what to change in your attraction blueprint so you can become the version of yourself who effortlessly leads the dating process (and gets the woman!) 🥂

This isn’t your average dating course.

We’re not going to cover up your insecurities with tactics and games. The very nature of trying to be someone you’re not only makes you feel more insecure.

Instead, you’re going to experience the profound shift of becoming authentically confident with your dream woman.

And right now it's only $497 to join!

I know you’re ready to stop performing, get off the dating merry-go-round, and build a genuine and lasting connection with her.

Want the goods?

I'm ready for my dream woman!

And, if you’re looking for more personalized guidance to accelerate your results and attract her even quicker, let's find out if we're a good fit for VIP Private Coaching.

When you become a VIP, you get hands-on guidance to understand how to meet, attract, and successfully date your dream woman for a lasting partnership.

Whether you're healing from a breakup or a divorce or have been single for decades, I quickly get to the root of your dating roadblocks so there's nothing holding you back from getting everything you desire in love.

Apply now to see if we’re a good fit for one-on-one mentorship.

I want to be a VIP

Let's go get her!

Emily Freeman Coaching Signature

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

Emily Freeman

It’s my mission to help men realize their true potential in dating & relationships. I know what it’s like to desire partnership so badly but question if you’ll ever get it. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I’m so grateful I’m the one who gets to show you how fun and fulfilling love can be.

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